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Mercy POV
As soon as I get home from my date, I get a text from Shari.
Shari- Hey you awake?
Me- Yeah. What's up?
Shari- Have you been seeing Kevin for a while?
Me- No, why?
Shari- Kevin seems to be more bright and happy. I was thinking you were hanging out with him. You know you can't. He will break your heart.
I sigh. I feel really bad for lying to Shari. Plus I don't know if I fully trust Kevin. But, I'm in too deep. I can't back out now.
Me- I don't know. Shari, I would never betray you like that. I'm not seeing him.
I put my phone down and put my hands on my head. I'm such a bad friend. I take my phone and text Kevin real quick.
Me- Kevin Shari is on to us. She sees you all happy and bright. You have to stop so she will not suspect anything.
Kevin- oh shit. I'll try but I can't help it. I'm so thankful that I can call you mine, baby girl
I blush and my heart starts pounding. I love when he calls me baby girl.
Me- I'm thankful I said yes. Its just that if Shari gets close to finding us out, we have to break up
I feel a tear in my heart as I type that. I don't want to break up with Kevin. He means so much to me. I can't lose him. But Shari is my best friend. I can't lose her. What am I gonna do?
Kevin- Trust me. We will get through this. I can't lose you. We will fight this obstacle.
Me- Okay Kevin. I trust you.
I felt weird as I say that. I trust him a little but not a lot. I hope my heart won't be broken with him.
Kevin- Okay. Now go to sleep baby girl. I'll see you tomorrow at rehearsal.
Me- Okay. Goodnight babe
Kevin- Sweet dreams beautiful.
My heart flutters. I smile and put my phone on my nightstand. I get in bed and think about about Kevin and I getting through this situation.

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