Uh Oh

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The next day, I arrive at Shari's rehearsal when I see Allstar talking to Maria. I spot Tia and Shari so I rush to them and ask,
"Hey, why is Allstar here?"
Shari replies,
"Probably talking about the tour dates. Turns out I'm opening up for my brother's group. Sucks that it's not the other way around, but it's great press"
My eyes widen to Tia. Tia gives me an "I know right" look. I hesitate,
"The tour is gonna be both of you guys. That's a lot of choreography."
"You'll be fine Mercy, you remembered your 6th-grade jazz choreo. You can remember both choreo with no problem."
Shari hugs me and says,
"You will be amazing. This will be so fun! I'm so excited!"
Shari soon runs to Allstar. I turn to Tia with my eyes widen and my heart pounding.
"Dude, what am I gonna do? I will be with Kevin AND Shari? I don't know if I hide this relationship anymore."
"Maybe tell her."
"I can't do that. You see how happy she is about the tour. Plus, even if she fires me, I'm still Kevin's dancer. I will ruin her tour by simply being there."
"Then, sis, you are gonna have to hide your relationship throughout the whole tour."
"Okay, maybe I can. It's only like a month right?"

"IT'S A 3 MONTH TOUR GUYS. PACK YOUR BAGS FOR THIS WEEKEND BITCHES!," Shari screams after rehearsal to all of the dancers.
Oh shit.
As Tia and I head to my car, I sigh,
"I cannot hide my relationship with Kevin for three months. We just said I love you yesterday. "
"Yeah, you are screwed."
I glare at Tia.
"Not. Helping."
Tia nudges me and say,
"I'm just playing."
I roll my eyes and grab my phone. Tia interrupts asking,
"What are you doing?"
"Texting Kevin so we can come up with a way to hide this relationship for three months."
"Hey look, you and Kevin have been dating for a while. I don't think it will be that hard to hide the relationship. You got this. And if you need help, I'm here to distract Shari."
I smile and hug Tia.
"Thanks, bb"
"No problem."
Let's see if this is gonna work.

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