Two Weeks Later

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Mercy POV
It has been two weeks since Kevin and I started dating. Shari isn't suspicious anymore but something tells me she is keeping an eye out for me. I am hanging out with Shari at her house. Kevin is here and it is taking every bone in my body to not run to Kevin and kiss him. Shari and I are watching Netflix when Kevin enters the room. Shari asks,
"What do you want Kev?"
"Did you take my charger?"
"No, I didn't"
"'s right there"
He points to the charger that is charging my phone.
"Oh well Mercy is using it. Too bad"
I start saying,
"Its okay. I can give it to him."
I start walking to the charger when Kevin says,
"Nah it's okay. Charge your phone. Give it to me later"
"Oh...okay then"
I sit back next to Shari and Kevin says to Shari,
"Bye witch"
"Bye Shrek"
I laugh and say,
"Love the names"
"Yeah thanks. That's weird how he let's you use his charger. He never let's anyone use his charger. Not even his friends"
"Hmm weird"
I start to sweat. Shari is getting suspicious. We just continue watching Netflix. As soon as my phone is fully charge, I say to Shari,
"Yo, I'm gonna give this to your brother, okay?"
"Okay, give me some snacks while your at it"
I roll my eyes and head to the door. I knock on Kevin's door and wait. He opens it and immediately has a huge smile on his face. I walk in and Kevin closes the door.
"Here is your charger"
"Thanks babe"
All of a sudden I feel an explosion of butterflies in my stomach.
"So how's it going?"
He comes closer to me and connect our lips together. I slowly wrap my arms around his neck while he places his hands on my waist. We let go and he says,
"A lot better since I got what I needed"
I blush and say,
"I gotta go get Shari's snacks"
I turn but stop when I hear Kevin say,
"Wait a minute"
"Meet me here tomorrow at 2. Shari will be at Lexi's house the whole day. I'll cook for you."
I smile and say,
He leans in for another passionate kiss and I leave his room. I rush to get some snacks and go to Shari's room.
"Thanks for the cookies"
"No problem"
We both go on our phones and I see a text from Kevin saying he wants me in his room again. I tell Shari,
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom"
I walk out and go to Kevin's room. He instantly opens the door, pulls me inside, smushes our lips together. We fall on Kevin's bed and make out more. He slowly kisses from my lips to my neck. I moan as he finds my sweet spot. He grabs my butt as he sucks on my neck. He pulls back after and say,
"I just wanted to kiss you again. I missed you"
"I was only gone for 20 minutes"
"That's too long for me"

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