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Violet:thought i told you bloody idiots to bring back the euro trophy

Eden:its not that simple

Thibuat:im just going to sit in a corner and cry right now because im really depressed

Violet:oi guys. You did wonderful and being inly the chelsea players left, that beought honor to our club, so dont you ever downgrade yourselves or put yourselves down because we all knew you went out and did your best💙💙

Eden:thank you viola😢😢

John:didnt know you had the pep talk spirit in you lil sis

Violet:theres a lot of things you dont know about me

Oscar:thats my girl❤

John: "my girl?" OSCAR NO HEARTS

Oscar: heheheehehe sorry sorry sorry :)

John:much more appropriate now

Violet:stop being so protective omfg

Gary:but thats his job

Violet:still loosen up a bit will you john? I love every single of this guys as family.

John:okay okay fine, but i still forbid you for dating anyone on this team

Violet:oh piss off

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