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Eden:guys me and thibuat need to tell you something

John:everyone brace yourselves

Willian: i don't have a good feeling about this.

Eden:me and thibuat are officially dating

Violet:guys that's great news!

Oscar:damn I'm so proud of you guys, so who asked who

Thibuat:Eden surprised me with roses and belgium chocolates of course

Violet:aw Oscar why you never do this for me

Oscar:because you never ask lmao

John:you should know every girl like that oscar

Oscar:well sorry I haven't had much experince with the ladies

Violet:wait you've never had a girlfriend before?

Oscar:I have, but that was like back in high school

Gary:Damn Oscar,getting them girls since '99

Oscar:shut up gary, you haven't got a girl in like a decade

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