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"Why can't you just let me be? Why do you always have to be so god damn protective over m? I'm nearly 22 John, let me decide what I want to do!" Violet slammed down her phone onto a nearby glass table.

Oscar rushed to her side and gave her a big hug, feeling as she needed one. Her whole body relaxed ,as soon as his arms came into contact, with her skin filled with goosebumps.

"See this is what happens when I turn on the aircon!"

Violet Terry has left the groupchat!

John:now which one of you bloody idiots pissed her off

Diego:have you ever realised that maybe you were the one who pissed her off?

Pedro:^my thoughts exactly

Eden: I mean you're not exactly brother of the year John.

Thibuat: i agree with my babe.

Willian: i think you should apologize to her John.

"I'm sorry alright Violet? I guess I get too hung up on the idea of you getting your heart broken again. It hurts me to see you crying over some worthless dude."

"I get it, but John you gotta loosen the reins a little."

John Terry has added Violet Terry back into the groupchat!

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