Part 2: Fiery Red

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Dedicated to localangel62 for being the first read, comment, and vote.

Sirius's POV

The door flew open, effectively pulling me from my sleep.


My eyes opened quickly as my brain attempted to process what was going on.

"Mum, it's Sirius," said Cassio. My eyes snapped over to her.

Her hair was messy, but she still managed to look beautiful. A profound blush was spreading across her cheeks, smothering the freckles that I had grown to love.

"That doesn't matter! I don't care if it's the bloody King of England! I will not allow you to sleep with any boy!" Her mother's voice was piercing my ears, but I couldn't take my eyes off of the girl laying next to me.

"Mum! Would you please just listen to me?"

"Fine. You have five minutes to attempt to convince me to not ground you until the day I die."

Cassio took in a deep breath. In my sleepy daze I noticed that her fiery red hair was slightly longer than it had been the last time I saw her.

"Mum, he got in an argument with his family last night and they disowned him, permanently. He came here for help, and I let him sleep in my bed with me. That's all."

The room was quiet for a moment. Cassio finally looked over at me, her blue eyes studying me carefully. I didn't dare look away.

"I guess I won't ground you."

Cassio's head snapped forward, breaking the eye contact.

"Sirius, love, do you need anything? You're welcome to stay with us as long as you need to," her mum said, finally speaking to me directly.

"No, thank you. I'm fine right now. I don't know how long I'll be staying, though," I answered.

"Well, you must have had a rough night, darling. I'll let you two go back to sleep." She threw a warning glance in my direction, as if I would rape her daughter once she left.

She pulled the door slightly closed, but as soon as she was gone, Cassio shut the door magically. Then she rolled over to face me.

"Well, that was embarrassing," she stated flatly. I grinned at her.

"You know you want me," I said, winking for extra effect.

"Keep dreaming," she replied, laying down again.

"Don't worry, love; you're in all of my dreams."

I watched her, waiting until she fell asleep again. Once her breath evened out, I stretched my arm out and wrapped it around her waist, pulling her closer to me before I fell asleep.


As soon as Cassio and I went downstairs for breakfast, Cygnus was onto us.

"So you are dating."

I almost laughed at his bluntness.

"No," Cassio answered in the same blunt tone.

"But you slept together."

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