Part 7: Handcuffs

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Let me just say, I didn't mean to end up in handcuffs that night.

The night had started out normal. Sirius and I had made dinner together. We ate with the rest of my family. Hell, we even cleaned the dishes and played some games with Cygnus.

It all started when I decided to shower.

"I'm going to take a quick shower. Don't go to sleep before I get out," I called, slipping into the bathroom.

"No promises."

The room was silent for a few moments.

"Can I join you?" he asked, a smirk prominent in his words.

"Nah," I replied quickly, my heart skipping a beat.

So I showered. Of course, it was completely useless. If I had known that this was how my night would with Sirius would end up, I definitely wouldn't have showered. Oh well.

We laid in bed together for a few minutes, talking about random shit. It was a beautiful, peaceful moment. Until he had to ruin it.

"We should have some fun," he winked,  causing my heart rate to climb at the speed of the Hogwarts Express.

"Oh really?" I hummed. "And what do you suggest we do?"

That was the first mistake that lead to me being put in handcuffs.

"Sirius, I don't understand why we had to sneak out of the house just to come to a dark, secluded field," I sighed, almost tripping over a stick.

"Live a little, love," he smirked, glancing back at me. He held out his hand which I gladly took. I didn't necessarily feel like dying tonight.

Taking his hand was probably, most likely, the second mistake that lead to me being put in handcuffs.

The third mistake was me trusting him when he told me that we were going to have some fun.

And Merlin, did we have fun.

Let's just say that more than one Muggle automobile was egged that night.

Not to mention the fact that we were out past an apparent curfew. I wasn't aware of the curfew, but the Muggle police officer that grabbed us sure was.

"Are you having trouble, officer?" Sirius asked, faking concern as the officer glared at the two of us.

"What's your name, boy?" He asked, shoving Sirius roughly.

"I'm Matilda Cutthrow, and this is my boyfriend, Jasper Biggins," I smiled, flirtatiously placing my hand on Sirius's chest. He immediately began playing along, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"What were you two doing out here so late?" The officer glared at us suspiciously.

"We just came out here to have a little bit of fun," winked Sirius, his fingers drawing patterns on my hip.

The fourth mistake I made that night was allowing Sirius's actions to distract me. I might not have had those handcuffs put on me in the first place.

The officer pushed us into the back of his police car. I could hear him speaking angrily into some kind of communication device. Muggles.

Sirius and I, alone in the back of a police car? Mistake number 5.

"I think this is the part where we have a hot snogging session in the back of the police car," whispered Sirius, his hot breath trailing down my neck.

"I think not," I whispered back hotly, trying to ignore his seduction tactics.

The officer came back, eyeing us suspiciously as he sat in the driver's seat. He appeared to be waiting for commands.

Sirius kissed my cheek, making sure the officer was watching. I knew he was doing it to get on the poor Muggle's nerves, but it wasn't fair that he was taking me down with him.

"Merlin's beard," I muttered, trying so hard to ignore him. Luckily, I didn't have to for long. The officer's orders came in, bringing good news for the two of us. We were uncuffed and released. We managed to sneak back into the house unnoticed.

"I'm going to sleep," I announced immediately, collapsing on the bed. I felt Sirius lay down next to me. My cheeks warmed at the memory of the back of the police car.

"Whatever you say, Matilda."

"Shut up, Jasper."

A/N: I wish I could write chapters as quickly as I write one shots

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

A/N: I wish I could write chapters as quickly as I write one shots.

I'm actually about to start writing the next chapter of DMMLY. It's only one o'clock in the morning. The night is still young.



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