Part 3- Bloody Hell

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Sirius in the picture^

I knew something was wrong. The moment I woke up I could sense that something wasn't right. Then I heard a girl crying.

"Cassio?" I asked, immediately becoming more alert.

I felt the bed move underneath me and the blankets twisted. I moved closer to her side of the bed.

"Cassio?" I whispered again.

I reached out my hand and brushed her red hair out of her face. Her freckles were barely visible in the pale moonlight from the window.

Stop checking her out, Sirius. Something's wrong with her.

I moved my face closer until I could see the clear tears running down her cheeks. I shifted closer to her again, my torso hovering over her.

"Cassio, wake up, love," I said gently.

Her arm twitched violently before she jolted awake completely. She gasped as her eyes opened, revealing the bright blue that I loved. She stared at me in confusion, tears still streaming from her eyes.

"It's okay, love," I whispered. "You're okay."

"I had a nightmare," she stated, as if I didn't know that already.

"But you're awake now."

She nodded. Her left hand came up to her face to wipe away the tears, but I grabbed her wrist.

"What are you doing?" asked Cassio.

"You can cry," I said.

"Yeah, I know that I can cry. Why can't I wipe my face?"

Great going, idiot. Now she's suspicious. Bloody hell.

"Because I know you don't like other people seeing you cry. You can cry now, Red. It's just me and you," I comforted her.

'Just me and you'? Bloody hell, I like the sound of that.

Her eyes widened, but she didn't say anything for a minute. Then she started crying harder.

"Bloody hell," she said.

"Bloody hell, I said the wrong shit again. Didn't I?"

She shook her head violently, but she didn't say anything. She looked at me for a few more seconds. Then her hands shot up and pulled me down. Bloody hell, now I'm laying on top of the girl I like.

Bloody hell.

Bloody hell, I'm just wearing boxers.


"Thank you," she whispered in my ear, her lips brushing against my skin.

Bloody hell.

She buried her face in my neck. I could feel her warm breath on my shoulder. A line of chill bumps appeared on my spine.

I allowed my head to drop onto her shoulder. Her smell immediately suffocated me. In a good way.

We lied like that for a few minutes, neither of us moving. The blankets were knotted up around us, caused by Cassio's nightmare. Or at least her reaction to it.

"I was really scared," she admitted softly, breaking the comfortable silence.

"I'll fight off your nightmares," I promised, a small smile creeping across my lips.

"Thank you, Black," she answered, a teasing tone in her voice.

"You're welcome, Red."

Cassio rolled over, causing us to end up on our sides, facing each other. She didn't say anything else; she just wrapped her arms around me and buried her head in my chest. I smiled, adjusting my arms around her waist.

I could get used to this.


Of course, her mum woke us up on the one morning we were actually cuddling.

"And what is this?" Cassio's mum asked sharply.

I blinked, attempting to adjust my eyes to the bright light. Her mum was glaring at us, or more specifically, me.

"I can explain," I blurted out, unable to think of anything else to say.

"You'd better."

Her eyes trailed down to where Cassio's head was still resting on my bare chest while she slept. I shifted uncomfortably, making sure I didn't wake her up.

"Re- Cassio is one of my best friends," I started, stumbling on her name. "And she had a nightmare last night. When I woke her up, she was too scared to sleep. I just wanted to help."

I cockily noticed how her mum melted under my charm.

"Did you take advantage of her?" she asked.

"I would never!" I replied instantly, feeling like an old woman as soon as I said it.

"You'd better not."

She eyed me for a few more seconds.

"I'll ignore the fact that you're practically naked and sleeping with my daughter," she said finally.

"Well, when you say it like that..." I trailed off, not sure what to say.

"I trust you, Sirius," she said, her face softening. "I like you, and I think you're right for her."

I blushed instantly.

"No, I don't like her like that," I insisted, not even believing myself.

She just smirked at me before walking out the door. I took a deep breath and relaxed again. I looked down at the red head sleeping on my chest.

"Bloody hell," I whispered to myself.

A/N: Hey Witches!

I'm so, so sorry. I was really busy last week with dance, and I went on vacation this week. I didn't want to be selfish, but this is my only week off all summer. Anyway, I actually really like this one shot. It needs some editing, but I'll do that when I'm not exhausted. Thank you so much for reading!



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