Life in a Flash

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HI, I'm Myah, i'm 17 years old. i don't know what i'm doing in this lifetime. I miss the old me the one that was full of life AND FUN. Ugh i miss that sweet little girl that did things for everyone instead of the girl who is now doing thing to please everyone else needs but her own this is a story about how my life switched from FUCK LIFE TO CARING ONCE AGAIN.

I was born February 23, 1998. To one of my parents my mom died giving birth. Till this day my dad says its my fault that shes gone and i believe i pray everyday that it should've been me instead of her. from the ages 7-15 i was molested/raped by people in my family i decided to change that when one night i could've sworn my mother visited me in one of my dreams and told me she didn't want this life for me. She told i should get away from this life run away go live for myself.

At the age 13 i was raped by my dad. One night he went out at night and got drunk with his friends and bring them home with him i would b in my room on the phone with my best friend. My father came upstairs to my room and snatched my phone from my ear and slid it across the room and told me that everything that happens to me is my fault i was nothing he didn't love me and I'm worthless no one loves me. he made me take off all of my clothes and told me if i asked y he would hit me. he told me to lay on the bed and he laid on top of me i tried to get him off but he was to strong he forced himself in to me i screamed for help nobody came. From that day till i was 16 it kept going on till i finally took my mos advice and ran away one night while he was out with his friends.

I now Live in a average sized condo outside of Port Angles with my best friend. He is also my Boyfriend w been together since i ran away i don't runaway from my past i don't regret it either i just learned form it every now and then i get emails and letter from my dad telling me how sorry he is for what he did and I don't want to hold grudges so i write back and tell him i Forgive him for his Mistakes. I know i'm only 17 but i tell this story to girls who been through these thing to not hold grudges against that person but to forgive. 

This was one of my session with a group of girls who have been raped and molested.

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