Chapter 7

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You stumbled still not being able to really see and you clenched your eyes shut because of the pain. "Wh what did you do to me" you asked confused. You couldn't see everything was a blur. "Don't worry love" he said as he pulled you along by your arm. You could smell fire and hear what sounded like boys but you couldn't really make out what they were saying because of the headache. "Why why can't I see" you asked letting him pull you along. "Don't worry that usually happens to everyone" he said. He sounded annoyed at all the questions so you stopped asking them. You were starting to see again but it was still blurry. You two went into a tent and flung you onto a bed. Your heart stopped what was he going to do you could see him clearly. You looked at him you knew your face showed how scared you were. He rolled his eyes "don't flatter yourself" he said crossing his arms. "When you don't need a babysitter and you can walk without complaining you can come out" he said. You almost laughed because it sounded like you were a kid getting in trouble. Before you could say anything he left. You stood up but had to sit back down because your head started spinning again. You held your head as you looked around the room. There wasn't anything in the room beside the bed you were on and a chest. You got up slower and went over to the chest. You opened it and started going through everything inside all you found was clothes but then your fingers touched something metal. You grabbed it and pulled it up it was a little knife. You turned it over looking at it then you put it in your boot so it was hidden. "Babysitter my ass" you said to yourself. You knew you had to get out of here. Then you got up and walked it of the tent. There was boys everywhere some looked as old as eighteen then others looked as young as thirteen. You walked across the camp. You were trying to not get any of the boys or pan to look at you. You were so close to the woods it was just fifty yards away. "Hello love" you heard and you stopped turning around to see pan standing looking at you. "Going somewhere" he asked he was leaning against a tree looking at you. "No" you said taking a step back. "Good" he said and got up off the tree "because I have something to show you" he said walking up to you and smiling. It took everything in you not to take more steps back or run away from him when he got close. "What is it" you asked looking up at him. "It's a surprise" he said his eyebrows moving when he said surprise.

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