Kayla Nowak | Original Fandom | [ A+]

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Character made by: MistBronze10764

Make sure to read their upcoming story!

Fandom: Original (I think... no copyright fraud intended) Set in the future, where terminally ill children are upgraded into cyborgs, and cured.

Sounds interesting, I'm always a slut for cyborgs. (that was a joke. I'm very bad at jokes)

Name: Kayla Nowak

Age and DOB: 15 - third of February

Nationality: Half French, Half Polish, Living in England

Nationality means they're a citizen there, "ethnic background" would be a better fit for their origin.

Species: I suppose you could call them a cyborg... but they like to be treated as human

Sex: They are female, but their "skoodlydingdongs" (if you know what I mean ) were disabled with the surgery

"Skoodlydingdongs" is a beautiful word.

Gender: Female

Preferred Pronouns: They, Their, Them


Before surgery: unknown/undiscovered

After surgery: asexual

Orientation makes sense and fits with their character.


Mother: Agthe Eau - Living in Cannes, France. Divorced from Nikolas. Unknown rest of family, not seen by Kayla for five years

Father: Nikolas Nowak - Of Polish ancestry. Married to Amanda. Alive and well, living in Martin. Is a detective.

Stepmother: Amanda Wilson - Alive and well. Living with Nikolas and Marcus.

Stepbrother: Marcus Wilson - Alive and well. Aged 19.

Perfectly simple family background, and doesn't drone on!! :D


Head: Closely cropped, straight, thick brown/black hair; green/brown eyes; turned up nose; square jaw; thinnish lips; darkish skin

Are one of their eyes brown and the other green, or is it a mix of those two colors? 

Is their darker skin natural as the story does take place in a possibly more ethnically diverse future? We are assuming it's natural because you said they had thick darker hair.

Body: Impeccable posture; 160cm height (I think that's around 5"2, I dunno, I'm a Brit); average muscle mass and weight; large feet; long fingers

I wish I had posture like them!! :O

Also you were spot on with their height!! Great addition of the length of their feet and fingers.

Robotic: Most of the upgrades were internal (you know, like mechanical heart pumps, automated digestion, etc), but you can see some subtle external ones too, such as a metal lens around the iris. They have a port in the small of their neck, hidden under a bit of hair, in order to plug in overnight. However, the most obvious external upgrade is a robotic right arm, which starts from the base of her shoulder downwards. It is grey/blue with computer circuits running through the arm, linking with their nerves at the top. The reason she has this arm is because she was born without an arm there, and the Facility 'fixed' it, even though Kayla had gotten used to having one arm

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