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It's been 2 years since Taehyung left, and he hasn't come back yet. Jimin was getting worried. His mother was sick, and she's the only doctor on their side of the kingdom, so times have been pretty hard for everyone.

Jimin ended up getting a job at the flower shop in the town square. He still goes to the meadow often but it's not the same without his lover beside him.

With everything going on he thought his life would never get better. But that was not the case.

One spring afternoon, Jimin was at the shop. Humming a song as he waters the flowers till he hears someone whisper his name.


He immediately turns, and looks at a man in a brown robe that covered his head. It scared him.

"H-how do you know now my n-n-name," He asked the man, still not able to see his face.

The man chuckled, "I see you still have a stutter," the man raised his head so Jimin could see his face.

"Prince Hoseok?" He gasped.

"Yeah, I'm back, but cut the prince shit, would you? I'm in disguise for a reason." He Sassed in a whisper, and they both laughed.

"So what brings you hear, Hoseok?" Jimin asked emphasizing the name.

"Just strolling around my future kingdom. Then I saw you and had to stop and talk, and may I say you have grown up to be quite a handsome young man." The prince compliments him.

"Thank you, Hoseok." Jimin replied with a slight blush.

"No problem, hey is Taehyung still around? It would be cool to see him again." Hoseok said and Jimin's smile droped.

"He uhhh he's serving in the army right now." Jimin says quietly.

"Oh, umm how long has he been there?"

"2 years 3 months and 17 days, and I haven't heard from him once" Jimin tells him.

"If you haven't heard from him it's actually a good thing." Hosoek informs him.

"How so?"

"As of 3 years ago the only time the army notifies families is if the person is dead. Something about less paper work and being busy." Hoesok explains.

"Well then it's a good thing."

An awkward silence fell at that point untilled the prince spoke again.

"Yeah, hey! I don't know if you've heard or not but I'm getting married!" Hoseok cheers. Trying to get off the depressing topic.

"No I didn't hear that! Who is the lucky lady?" Jimin asks raising an eyebrows in a weird way.

"Well, it's actually a man. His name is Yoongi, and he's quite an acquired taste but once you get to know him he's pretty funny. It was an arranged marriage, but he's pretty cool. And not to mention drop dead gorgeous. Like damn." He gushes. It's adorable how his eyes light up when he talks about his fiance, even if it wasn't his choice.

Jimin can't help but wonder if Taehyung talks about him like that.

"You should come to the wedding." Hoseok blurts out.

"What?" Jimin asked, not quite sure he had heard the boy right.

"You should come to me and Yoongi's wedding!" The soon to be king exclaimed.

"I would love to but I don't have an clothes nice enough." Ray told him, looking down in embarrassment.

"Then just leave leave that to me" Hoseok said with a smirk.


And that's how Jimin found himself in a beautifully tailored navy blue suit, in a room full with royalty from all over the world.

"Jimin! You made it!" Hoseok yelled from practically across the room. "Look at you! I think I deserve an award for this."

"Really? All you did was pay the lady who made the suit." He said matter of factly to tease.

Hoseok huffed, "whatever, anyways I should probably get back to my husband, now. I'm so glad you could make it."

"You do that...your majesty." Jimin says teasingly.

Hoeseok rolls his eyes playfully and walks back to his new husband.

"I see you know that new king pretty well?" A voice said form behind Jimin, causing him to jump in surprise. Only to see a very tall blonde man.

"Umm yeah we met as kids." He tells him.

"Hmm then why have I never seen your beautiful face at any of the royal parties before?" The man asks with a wink, making Jimin blush.

"It's- uhhh... a long story." Jimin said since he was not sure if he could tell the man that he was just a peasant.

"Well, I got time gorgeous." The man said as he steped toward and leaned in as to kiss him, but Jimin moved before that could happen. Not to mention the man smelled like alcohol.

"Whoa! What are you doing? I don't even know your name!" The shorter snaped.

"The names Namjoon, Sweetheart. Do me a favor and remember for later, when we're at my place, yeah?" The 'Namjoon' guy said, making Jimin want to gag.

"Well listen here, Namjoon, I want no part of that. So you can go and find someone else to sleep with, because I have a boyfriend, who would kick your ass if he found out what you just said." Jimin said with a cold glare.

"Well, Sweetheart, I don't see this so called boyfriend, and besides, no one can resist me." The extremely cocky man said.

"I don't have any interest in you. My boyfriend isn't here tonight, but that doesn't mean he isn't real! So you should leave because this conversation is over." Jimin sassed back.

"Whatever," Namjoon mumbled, "your not worth my time, anyways." And he stomped off.

Taking a shaky breath, Jimin ran out of the ball room and onto a balcony.

"Please come home, Tae." He whispered in to the dark night sky, praying that Taehyung was out there somewhere looking at the same stars

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