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4 years 2 months and 16 days.

That's how long it had been since Jimin had seen his Boyfriend. That's how long it had been since he felt truly safe.

He was sitting on the floor in his room making a flower crown, just like he did when he was younger. He had went to the meadow that morning and picked the brightly colored flowers. He was singing an old folks song about a couple who lived long ago. Taehyung had taught him it when they were little.

"When the sun hides from me, you keep me shining in the darkness. You hold me when I feel weak. You teach me to be strong. I need you more then the air I breath to survive." Jimin stoped singing, with tears running down his face.

He missed Taehyung so much. Too much.

The war has been over for four months, and King Hoseok announced that all the soldiers would be coming home, but  Taehyung still wasn't sn't home. It worried Jimin to say the least. What if he never comes back?

The boy put the flower crown to the side and rested his head in his hands. He was trying not to cry, but that didn't work to well. And that night he cried until later he fell asleep on the floor of his bedroom.

When he was sleeping he dreamed of his love coming home and holding him just how he used to before he left. That's all he wanted.

The next morning when Jimin woke up his pillow was in his face, but he could see the sun shining through the poorly constructed curtains. Sighing he got up...

Or tried to get up.

Something way holding him down and as he moved it got tighter. Frightened, he slowly turned around, and was met by a pair of sleepy, beautiful brown eyes.

"Hey, baby. I'm home." He whispered to Jimin.

This can't be real. Jimin must be imagining this... right?

"Taehyung ?" He asked unsure if the taller man was really there or not.

"It's me Minie. Wow, I almost forgot how my name sounds when you say it" Taehyung hummed as he brought his hand up to hold his love's face, looking deep into his eyes. The eyes he missed since the day he left. The eyes he could only dream of for the last 4 years. He was finally home and he was never leaving. Not again.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Jimin asked, as the shock was starting to wear off.

Chuckling he replied, "you looked so peaceful and I was dead tired."

As Jimin looked at the love of his life he could tell the taller man wasn't the same as when he left. He had a big scar on the left side of his face, and the arms around him seemed stronger then before. His hair was rather unkempt, long and messy. And the expression on his face looked as if he hadn't slept in weeks. But he still managed to look perfect in every way.

"I missed you" Jimin spoke with tears in his eyes.

"I know, babe, I missed you too. But you'll never have to miss me again. I'm never leaving you. From now on I'll be right by your side every step of the way" He promised. And he ment it. The last 4 years had been hell for him, but he doesn't regret leaving for the army. He helped make the kingdom a safer place, for his Jimin, and hopefully someday, their family.

He leaned over and connected their lips. It felt so good. So familiar. Yet so foreign. I was magical, just like the first time, as their lips molded together perfectly.

"Tae?" Jimin asked in a small voice, breaking away from the kiss after a while.

"Yes my love?"

"Why did it take you so long to come back?"

With a sigh Taehyung answered, "the last few years were terrible. When we lost the battle at Grey Lake there were many men that died . That's where I got this" He pointed to the scar on his face, "later I was made a commander to replace my commander that died in battle. Part of being commander is that I had to make sure all my men made it home safely before I could take my leave. That's what I did for the last two months."

"I'm so proud of you." Jimin told him. Pecking his lips, with little tears in the corner of his eyes.

"Thanks baby. Now, what have you been doing the past 4 years?" He asked.

"Well, I got a job at the flower shop in town square. I went to king Hoseok's wedding, and I've been taking care of my mother, who has been sick for a few months."

"I'm sorry to hear that, baby. How was the wedding? Wish I could have gone" Taehyung asked.

"It was....eventful? It would have been better if you had gone though" Jimin said trying not to think of the terrible ending to that night.

"How so?"

"It'll tell you some other time. Now tell me more about the army"

"OK" Taehyung started, seeming eager to tell his stories, "so on the first day of training I met this guy who was my best friend and second officer when I was commander. His name was Jungkook. Later that same year..."

He talked for what seemed like hours. Jimin listened to every word, and was just happy to have the love of his life back.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2019 ⏰

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