Chapter 8

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It was the next day ,I couldn't believe what alex had said to me but I was still at the police station showing them the recording. They took alex away to be questioned. Oli got let out until court . Now I was living in foster care.

Me and my sister was living with a 27 year old lady called Martha. She was very nice and she was very rich. Martha had a 3 floor house and an attic room ,it had a total of 20 rooms .Martha was also very generous she bought me an iphone, ipad and a laptop.My sister told me she was trying to cheer me up but nothing  could cheer me up although I was trying to get on with my life.

 I dug out Andy's phone number and I sat there for about 5 minutes wondering if I should ring it or not. But then oli barged in to my room which seemed weird. " What ya doing here" i said.                                  "Just thought i'd see how your doing, you know because of the..." I cut him off by puting my finger on his lips,I just didn't want to talk about it . "Well iam here if you want to talk to me "He said and then walked out.

I went out to the movies with my sister later that day,Martha payed it was another attempt to cheer me up.We went into the Movie , it was a comedy but I didn't laugh at all. Half way though the film I went to the toilet. I bumped into  someone on the way. Andy Sixx. "Hi" he said." Hey , you played great the other night by the way."   "thanks , so how you doing"  "Not so good I came home the other day my house was on fire ,i lost my parents" " iam so sorry " "Dont apoligize it's not your fault."   He gave me a hug.I almost fainted. "Are you still on tour?" i asked him. "No it was my last gig" he replyed. "oh right , i suppose I should go back to my moive ,bye" "see ya" he said. Seeing him just made my day.

I got home and oli was there ." what are you doing here." i asked. " Just to tell you about alex" he said ."why would I care about him ."   " He is going to be killed thats why.". he said. " What do you mean?" i asked. " What I mean is that alex confessed himself and know one can get away with killing 50 people. So when he Is 21 well you know."  Bye this point I was crying although I hated him I was crying. " are you okay"  " i supose so"   "Why don't you come to the music awards with me on saturday, I could do with some support"  "Okay that would be great." 

I rang andy that night and had a chat with him . I told him about alex. "that's awful" he said.

"yeah well.." "hey i know what will cheer you up!" "you do?"  "yeah ,come to th music awards with me on saturday!"

"okay it sounds like a plan." i replyed.

Boy did i have a problem. I like both of them and don't want to let them down.

The next day Oli took me to see some christmas lights be turned on. Yeah it was that time of year again. There was some christmas market and sales in all the shops. I had a great time. We had Mcdonalnds for tea, i ate my weight in fries and oli had a non-meat wrap with fries and coke.

When we came back ,we went straight up to my room.

"Thanks for tonight, your cheering me up abit." i said to oli.

"Well your welcome"

I huged him then stared into his eyes . We leaned closer to each other  and then got closer and closer, just when his lips was about to touch mine. My sister barged into my room.

"WHAT" i screamed to her.

"whoa i just needed to borrow a pen chill" she repled.

I couldn't belive i was that close to kissing oli sykes!


Hey can i just have 3 more bad or good comments and i will write the next chapter. :)                          

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