Chapter 10

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So sorry I haven't posted in ages but I have been in a mental hospital so I couldn't really.xx


I got a call from oli the next morning.I was busted for sure ,right?


'Hi, Sarah something weird happened Last night'

'oh, really what' It was obviuse what it was. Like i said busted.

'I seen you on TV , with Andy Sixx!' Escuse what excuse do I really have. What can I say I replaced him ,no. Can I say I aranged plans with two of them? No. But after like a minute of thinking I finnally got it.

'I told him you were ill and he knew how much I wanted to go so, he took me'

'I didn't know you knew him, How do you know him'

'School' I bursted out, that came quick , I mean he was only three years older than me.

'Oh , I see well, okay.'

Andy was coming over that evening at 5. But at quarter too 5 Oli showed up.

'I thought you were ill'

'Iam much better and besides I miss you'

'hmmm from the whole day you haven't seen me' I said in a sarcastic tone.


I invited him in and he gave me a quick hug before coming in.

We talk about weather and general things for a few minutes , When suddenly the door bell rang. Andy.I answered it scince I already gave Oli an excuse.

'hi come in'

'thanks' he said stepping in.

'Andy this is oli. Oli this is andy.

They both shake hands and said hello. And for a few minutes it was all silent. I broke that by asking if they wanted a drink and some tea. I knew andy's favourite meat balls and pasta. Oli likes VegLasange which was what I was having. As I place the meals on the table ,Oli gave Andy the most meanest look and smiled when I looked at him he didn't want me to see his mean look but I did and I can't help but think Andy and Oli some how know each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2013 ⏰

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