Chapter 9

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I couldn't beilive what had happend last night. Me and Oli had almost kissed! I stayed awake most of the night just thinking about him. But I just had one problem ,The music awards. I was thinking of going with Oli and making an excuse up to Andy. But I couldn't do that to him and plus he would see me anyway.Another option was to let them both down,but I really wanted to go.And in way also liked Andy.

There was an knock at the door. I rushed to the window to see who it was, in hope of it being Oli. It was. I walked to the door and slowly opened it and let out out a


"Hi ,how you doing?"

"Good, good"

"Look, about last night...."

"Yeah ,Iam sorry about my sister."

"But ,the truth is I like you ,alot"

Just then we both leaned in , slightly tilted our heads and our lips touched. It felt great I knew I loved him, kissing him felt great. Just then are kiss broke up when Martha came in.Luckly she didn't see him kissing me..

Later on that day, Andy gave me a call.

"Hey whats up Andy?"

"Hi, could we meet up some where?"


"Starbucks. We need to talk."

"Okay, Should we say 3 o'clock?"

"Yeah, sounds like a plan."


Andy sounded quite serious when he said we need to talk.I went there anyway at 3 o'clock to see what he needed to talk about .

"Hi" Andy said .

"Hey ,so what do you wanna talk about?"

"Well I was walking down the street earlier on and I seen you."

"Oh, well okay...." Andy cut me off.

"Kissing someone.Who was it?"

"Why, what has it got to do with you?"

"Just tell me!"

"He's called Oli, Oli Sykes"



"Why ?I mean you don't Know him ."

"I know him more than I know you. Anyway, I'll see you later." I said walking off.

"Well are you still coming on saturday?"

"Yeah of course ,Bye"

Iam such a terrible liar.

It was Saturday morning.I still didn't know what to do about tonight.There was a knock at the door.I answered ,it was Oli.


"hey Oli "

"Listen, I can't make it tonight, Iam sorry "

"Oh, that's fine."

"I need to go to a funeral, someone I know was in the fire"

"Oh , iam so sorry, bye."

"See ya."

Well I guess I didn't have to worry anymore. I still got to go with Andy.I was shopping for four hours trying to find something to at wear for tonight.I bought a black dress and some plain black high heal shoes.Andy picked me up 7 in a limo.

"So what do you think? I get picked up in one of these every year."

"Its great i've never been in one before."

"So what happens if someone don't so up and they win an award?"

"They usally see it on tv then contact them so.."

Shit.What if oli sees that I went with andy, on TV.

Andy Sixx or Oli Sykes (a love story)Where stories live. Discover now