just a dream?

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Kevin and the officer left the cell after a few minutes of talking to Tyler about the notes. Tyler felt really exhausted so he decided to take a nap. He fell asleep and in his dream he's on stage. He's singing his heart out, he has millions of fans but he still feels alone. Next to him is a guy with pinky red hair shaved on the sides and he's playing the drums. He feels like he knows him but he can't recognise him. He's singing this song and all of the people in the arena are screaming the lyrics, but he doesn't recognise them, he doesn't recognise anyone there. After the show Tyler went to his changing room to find a knife on the floor and on the back of the knife was a note saying "him". He  sat down and stared at the knife for a long time. Suddenly someone starts knocking on the door, Tyler hides the knife and opens the door.
It's the red headed guy.

Tyler asks: "Who are you?"

"Um, it's Josh, are you okay?" he asks.

"Yeah" Tyler nods "Sorry i just got dizzy i couldn't see anything"

They talked about the show for a couple of minutes and then Josh left. Tyler sat down and picked up the knife and stared at it again. He didn't really know why, but he just couldn't help but stare at it.

He went home that night and fell asleep immediately. But he woke up at 2.36 am because of this red light coming from down the hall.

He followed it and saw it was coming from his bathroom. He opened the bathroom door and saw a man with his hands and his neck painted black, he was half conscious repeating, again, "murder, murder, murder..." 

Tyler turned around for a second 'cause he felt someone touch his shoulder but there was no one behind him.

He looked at the bathtub again but this time it was empty.

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