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                        The Asylum

The Asylum for the Criminally Insane was built in 1777 and closed in 1960 for illegal therapies, such as Electro Shock Therapy (for memory loss) etc. And left abandoned for 56 years until not so long ago. It was reopened in late February of 2016 and everything in the Asylum was left as it was 56 years ago. As the name says the Asylum was only built for the Criminally Insane which means that the people who committed awful crimes were known as Criminally Insane back in the day. In the Asylum lived a lot of famous serial killers like Black Neck (kill count: 56 + himself) Ruby (kill count: 56) Jim The Killer  (kill count: 30). And the Legend says they still haunt their cells and anyone in them.


"We're finally here, welcome to our Home. This is the famous Asylum for the Criminally Insane built in 1777 and reopened in 2016." explains Dave as they're walking through the door of the Asylum "As we're walking in you'll notice a big hallway, on the ground floor are the cells for Criminally Mad, at the end of the hallway is the 'Living Room' you'll spend most of your time there. We won't lock you in your cells throughout the day, only at night. If you're not following the rules you will be transferred to the 'dark room'. There you'll be handcuffed the whole day and night."

"Where are the cells for the Criminally Insane?" asks Tyler. "On the 1st floor, follow me" says Dave while pointing at the stairs.

Tyler's Pov

The Asylum was almost like it's from a horror movie scene. The walls were falling apart they had this yellowish old color, and the whole place smelled like blood. As he showed our cells we all got our 'dresses' that we would wear every single day.
My cell was very small without windows and it was just like the one in prison, except this one had a toilet.
The first day they introduced us to the staff and the Chief of the Asylum. We had dinner and met the other 'prisoners' and they were pretty insane.

       4 hours later..

"Everyone back in their cells!" yelled sister Susan.

Tyler rushed to his cell so he wouldn't get transferred to the dark room. Sister Susan closed his door and wished everyone a good night. Tyler laid down to sleep, but something wouldn't let him fall asleep. It was about 1 am when Tyler heared repeated  '..ruby..ruby..ruby' from the cell next to him. He got up and started banging against the wall so West would shut up.When West got up he asked: "What the fuck Tyler, go to sleep" but Tyler didn't hear him so he continued banging. Sister Susan heard the banging and she saw Tyler there and she transferred him to the dark room. As they handcuffed him Tyler saw a man with his neck and hands painted in black in the corner, screaming   "KILL HER". Tyler was sitting on his bed while they were putting his handcuffs on one of his hands and he looked down and saw the knife from his dream on his legs so he took the knife and started stabbing sister Susan while yelling "Ruby, your soul will capture me"

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