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Tyler was woken up by loud banging against his cell door.

"Rise and shine, we're going to transport a few mentally ill prisoners to a Criminally Insane Asylum so you better be awake when we call out your name"

Tyler got up, washed his face and waited.. waited and waited for his name to get called out.

"Zack Woods.. Jim Stevens.. Tyler Jo-"

"Here!" yelled Tyler excitedly.

Tyler was so happy to finally be free from this Hell Hole as he called it. They called out 16 names in total.

As the doctor opened the cell door he introduced himself: "Hello Tyler, I'm Dr. Smith but you can call me Dave. Please come with me, we have to talk in private" said Dave as they exited his cell. "Are you excited for finally having a chance of curing your illnes?"

"What are you talking about? Everyone seems so worried about me. I don't even know what am i doing here, I just woke up in this cell 2 days ago. What is going on?" says Tyler angrily.

"Oh, of course you don't know. You're suffering from not that serious Amnesia but we'll talk about that when we start with your therapy" explains Dave.

Tyler picks up his stuff at the officer's office and gets in a van with the rest of the 15 'chosen ones'. They all have a name tag on them including Tyler.
They all seem kinda crazy. This guy Tim Moore was whispering "cut off rose petals like human heads" the whole ride, John was drooling all over the floor making weird faces and it was awful.

"I think we're the only normal ones here Dave" whispered Tyler.


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