j.d: 5 ; the depressing fanfic (offensive ig?)

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not gonna lie to you, most depressing top fanfic's on this site are hella good (yes, i just said hella unironically. am i ashamed? you bet.)

they're usually fucking amazing & make you think 

but some are just ridiculous 

some authors have the main character cut themselves, but then they meet josh dun & they just stop. no questions asked, they just stop. 

blades in the toilet 


for a josh fanfic that involves the main female character to cut themselves are usually written badly. (not all of them though bless up)


josh walks down the street, his drumsticks in his back pocket 

Tiffany walks down the street as well, going the opposite direction. she pulls down her jacket sleeves. 

but suddenly josh dun runs into her 

her sleeves magically slip up ! 

josh notices the cuts & frowns, getting on the ground with her. "omg no, pls don't hurt urself bby." 

"it makes me feel better, i just cant):" 

"some1 as beautiful as u shdnt cut themselves"



Tiffany looks up, tears in her eyes. "u think i am prtty?" 

"yes, of course bb u r beautiful" 

just then 

tiffany suddenly pulls her head out of her ass & realizes it's john dun from 21 car drivers!!!!!!!!!!

"omg!" she squeaks, getting off her ass. (tears magically disappearing along with my attention span & will to live)


"u r john dun from 21 car drivers! i am such a big fan wow!" 

josh chuckles, standing up too. "It's josh & the band is called twenty one pilots" 

"o hahaha" 

it suddenly gets sad

it suddenly starts to pour down rain 

"promise not 2 cut urself anymore?" josh mumbles, taking Tiffany's wrist and bringing his lips to her skin. 

"i promise i'll nvr do it again, just 4 u" 

then they kiss

end story↓ 

what a beautiful story 

amazing plot! descriptive writing on point! i love it sm! 10/10 would read again!!!

if you want to write a depressing fanfic, be my guest, write away 

but if you want people to tolerate it, be a bit more realistic? 

but hey, who am i to tell people how to write? 


don't get offended & remember! 

jesus is good & so is vegetarianism 


if you would like me to piss & moan about a certain plot to a top fanfic, comment & i prolly will

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