Chapter 5: The Corrupted Courthouse

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Solomon - Wayne Courthouse.
Park Row, Arkham City.
(Red Arrow's POV)
We made our way through the empty streets until we found the remains of what looked like a courthouse, the courthouse had armed guards or thugs standing outside and light could be seen through the windows of the building. Oliver crept ahead as I followed, turning down an alleyway next to the building we made our way to a side entrance,
"what do you think these guys are doing here?" I question
"who knows, but do you smell that?" Oliver asks
"smells like something degusting is burning" I answer
"lets find out what it is shall we" Oliver states as we move up a small flight of stairs and push open the door, entering the building. sneaking down the hall we come to a stop before a double door which leads to the main court room, the top of one of the doors is broken away and so we have to kneel down to stay out of sight but it was a good thing we did as we hear voices from the other side of the doorway.

The voices sound like a lot of shouting and cheering but then there is one voice that shuts all of the other ones up,
"now Catwoman, return what you stole" a male voice says
"what makes you think that I stole anything?" Catwoman questions
"my men found you in our storage room" the man says
"please, if I wanted to steal from you Two - Face I would have and you wouldn't even know I did" Catwoman states
"then if it wasn't you, then who stole it?" Two - Face questions
"I don't know if you've heard Two - Face but the Joker has been stealing things from many of Arkham Cities inmates" Catwoman explains
"is that so?" Two - Face questions
"yes it is and you might want to keep an eye on your surroundings" Catwoman states putting me a bit on edge
"what the hell are you talking about?" Two - Face questions
"the two hero's that are currently eavesdropping on our little conversation" Catwoman answers as two men then suddenly open the doors and pull us to our feet and drag us into the room where we can see that Catwoman is hanging above a vat of what looks like acid,
"well, this is a surprise" Two - Face says with a smirk
"I doubt its a surprise, considering that the entire facility is currently spilling onto the streets on Gotham" I say
"you have a point, understand that we were keeping to ourselves until my storage room was broken into" Two - Face explains
"and you thought that it was Catwoman who stole your things?" Oliver questions
"i didn't come up with some half arsed guess, we found her on the floor in the room" Two - Face explains
"I was only there hiding from the Joker and the events that he claims are about to unfold in this place " Catwoman states
"the Joker informed us of the deal" Two - Face says
"and the possible reformation of the Gotham rogues into the Legion of Doom, he found that fun and would do anything to get that entertainment back" Catwoman explains
"not one of us would rejoin that group, what would give us any reason to?" Two - Face questions
"stealing your stuff sounds like a reason, maybe he thinks you'll go to him and get it" I suggest
"Then that clown has another thing coming, we aren't getting involved in that deal, but maybe you lot can help us" Two - Face suggests as he looks us over..

Two - Face continued to look at us a bit longer before signalling for his men to do something, and within a few seconds they are closing off the acid container and safely lowering Catwoman to the ground,
"I want you three to go to Joker and retrieve what was stolen from me" Two - Face says
"and if we agree what would you do?" Oliver questions
"like i said we don't want to be involved, return to us what was stolen and we will stay here in this building" Two - Face states
"as long as you don't cause trouble then fine" Oliver says
"we gave up on the Legion of Doom after what occurred in Metropolis and there's no point for us to join the chaos outside at the moment" Two - Face says
"so where do we look?" I question
"the Joker has always liked to hide out around Ace Chemicals, the old factory here in Arkham City and the new factory in Downtown Gotham, my guess is that he is at the old factory in Amusement Mile" Two - Face explains
"where is that?" I question
"Eastern side of the island and straight south, make sure that Cat goes with you" Two - Face says before turning around
"Ace chemicals, makes sense the Joker would be there" Catwoman says
"indeed, now leave before i change my mind on our arrangement" Two - Face says as we leave the Courthouse through the same way we came in and make our way up the street.
(Green Arrow's POV)
We made our way up the street until we were a good distance away from the courthouse for me to contact Batman. Once we were around the corner I activated my communications ear piece,
"Green Arrow to Batman" I say
"Batman here" he answers
"we came across Two - Face at a courthouse, he wants us to get something the Joker stole from him and in return he won't cause trouble" I explain
"it would appear as though none of the rogues want to agree with the Joker"  Batman states
"what do you mean?" I ask
"Flash and myself have also been asked to retrieve stolen goods in return for no trouble" Batman explains
"Two - Face mentioned a deal going down tonight, right here in Arkham City" I explain
"first things first, come to Ace Chemicals and we will deal with the clown and at the same time we will gain information on the deal happening tonight and hopeful stop it" Batman explains
"we're on our way" I say as Batman ends the call
"never even got the chance to tell him that Catwoman is with us" Roy says
"That's Batman for you, lets go" I say as all three of us head towards Ace Chemicals to meet up with the others.
Wonder Tower, Arkham City
July 4, 10:25pm EST.
(3rd Person POV)
The time had come and the deal was soon to begin, Hugo Strange walked over to his desk and pressed a button on the underside of it as a holographic map of the facility appeared with nine different points marked on it,
"is everything ready for what is to come?" a man asks entering the room
"indeed, the last preparations are completed" Hugo Strange says
"if the owners of these vials figures out we stole them and were selling them they will come for us" the man states
"indeed they will" Hugo Strange says
"then you are prepared for that eventuality?" the man questions
"I am, Tyger security will make sure my fail safe is successful" Hugo Strange states
"for your sake I hope your right, as our guests of honour are now arriving" the man says they both look out the window of the tower and the site of some type of ship can be seen in the distance approaching Gotham City.


Young Justice: Assault on Arkham CityOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz