Chapter 8: In League With The Benefactor

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Wonder Tower Helipads, Arkham City.
July 4, 11:32pm EST.
(3rd Person POV)
The events had begun and Hugo Strange had played his part but now he headed for a waiting TYGER Helicopter where he would safely leave Arkham City before the Light finished there business. Strange walked out onto the Helipads and headed towards his awaiting Helicopter as a figure opened the side door and stepped out,
"Doctor Strange" the figure stated
"Mr al Ghul, to what do I owe this pleasure?" Hugo Strange asks
"I see that the deal has begun" Ra's al Ghul states
"indeed, the vial of Electrum will be in the Light's hand soon" Hugo Strange says
"I'm sure you are aware that the Courts Talons arrived within the facility before it was lifted into the air" Ra's al Ghul states
"yes, and Protocol 10 has been activated, any movement will result in a hell fire of bullets being fired" Hugo Strange states as they both enter the Helicopter and close the door, Ra's al Ghul signalling for the pilot to take off
"we will head to my Gotham penthouse to watch the events in relative safety while we discuss matters involving the Lights future plans" Ra's al Ghul states as the helicopter lifts off and rises above Arkham City as TYGER Helicopters rain down bullets on the facility, once the helicopter is at a safe distance it moves in the directed of Midtown Gotham.
Gotham Riverview Hotel, Midtown Gotham.
July 4, 11:40pm EST.
(3rd Person POV)
The helicopter arrived at a hotel on the east side of Midtown Gotham and landed on the rooftop helipad, the hotel was one of Gotham's luxury hotels and had one of the best views of the city as well as an unobstructed view of Arkham City. Once the helicopter landed Hugo Strange and Ra's al Ghul made their way out of it and headed toward the penthouse, entering the penthouse they made their way over to the windows that looked out over Arkham City,
"quite the accomplishment this is" Ra's al Ghul says
"indeed it is" Hugo Strange says
"with the Electrum safely in the Lights hands our plan will be able to move into the next stage" Ra's al Ghul states
"indeed" Hugo Strange says
"come, we must prepare for our next stage, the acquisition of our main subject" Ra's al Ghul says as they make their way over to a small office room in the penthouse of the hotel.
Abandoned Subway Terminal, Arkham City.
July 4, 11:40pm
(Red Hood's POV)
We began to make our way through the abandoned corridors of the subway terminal underneath Wonder Tower, descending deeper and deeper under the facility. As we moved through the corridors I noticed that power cables that looked more modern then the subway station attached to the walls and some of the broken lights still fainting lighting the way forwards,
"This place is creepy" Robin says as we look around
"Bats, we know that Sharp proposed Arkham City but for this place to be like this..." Flash starts but trails off
"The Court of Owls aren't the only people to have a stack in Gotham City, I've been going over all possible people when I remembered that there is a Lazarus Pit in Gotham" Batman explains
"you're saying the League of Assassins have something to do with this?" I ask
"It makes sense with what we have plus Ra's al Ghul will do anything to benefit himself" Batman states
"but what could he possibly get from all of this?" I question
"we won't know until we find out what this deal is over" Batman says as we continue to move through the abandoned station until we make it to the entrance to the station atrium.

As we sneak into the station atrium we see what looks like a large metal cube in the centre of the station with all the cables leading to it, but I notice something out of place with it and I realise that we are to late,
"Batman" I whisper
"what is it?" he questions
"look down there" I whisper as I point towards the cube
"the deal's already done" Flash whispers as we stop sneaking and look around from where we are
"Bats" Green Arrow says as we look towards him and see dead bodies all around the cube
"The deal's done and it looks like a battle occurred" I say
"but only one side lost" Kid Flash states
"the Talons must have done this and are now probably after who has what ever was in this vault" Batman says as he steps into vault Robin and I following.
Electrum Removed.
Electrum Removed.
A monitor in the vault reads as the words flash in red on the screen and a glass containment unit in front of the monitor looks to be open,
"what do we do now?" I question
"find the owner of that ship and we will find the Electrum" Batman says as we leave the vault
"what now?" Catwoman questions
"we track down who took what was in this vault" I say
"what was in the vault?" Red Arrow asks
"Electrum" Batman states
"what's Electrum?" Kid Flash questions
"something the Court of Owls use on their Talons"Batman states
"we've got to hurry if we want to catch them" Robin says as we make our way back to the way we entered to find a way up to the top of the tower above.
Gotham Riverview Hotel.
July 4, 11:45pm EST.
(3rd Person POV)
As Ra's al Ghul and Hugo Strange were going over the Lights next move, the sound of a phone got their attention. Hugo Strange pulled out a phone from his pocket and looked over it,
"Luthor has acquired the Electrum and is now on his way back to the Hall of Doom" Hugo Strange states
"what of the Talons?" Ra's al Ghul questions
"They killed the TYGER mercenaries that were guarding the vault and are now  giving chase" Hugo Strange reads from the message
"When Luthor arrived and before we left I had a number of League Assassins move into strategic positions around the tower, they are expendable if it means we get that Electrum"Ra's al Ghul states " Luthor will have time to make it to the ship and leave Gotham before the Talons can gain access" Ra's al Ghul says
"then we have won" Hugo Strange says
"for the most part but we still have Batman and his Robins to consider" Ra's al Ghul says
"if it is what you say then they shouldn't be an issue either" Hugo Strange states
"one can't be to careful but we must focus on other things for now" Ra's al Ghul states as they get back to work, they had much to do before the night was done.


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