Chapter 12: Peace And Worry

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'Robin's Nest', Wayne Manor Library.
July 5 10:30am EST.
(Jason's POV)
Alfred and I stayed in comfortable silence for a while as the others slept, After a while I moved to stand up making sure not to disturb the others before Alfred and I began to head to a table where Alfred began to clean,
"why do I still have the feeling this is all about him?" I ask
"it would be easier if there were more Haley's Circus children in Gotham, however I do fear that this does involve Master Richard" Alfred says
"why did the Court of Owls have to use a circus as a way to gain Talons?" I question
"perhaps it was easier Master Jason, but let's not get into that here" Alfred says
"good point" I say looking over a Dick, Roy and Wally
"perhaps you could help me in preparing lunch for everyone, it might get your mind off of this for a while" Alfred says heading for the door
"that sound like a good idea Alfie" I state before joining him as we leave the Library and head towards the kitchen, although I doubted that it would  take my mind off of it, I mean my brother could be what this whole thing is about and I didn't want anything to happen to him, I made a promise to myself that if there were more Batman sidekicks that no other would have the same fate as I did and I do intend to keep that promise. 
July 5, 10:45am EST.
(Bruce's POV)
After going through CCTV footage from last night and going back further into the weeks and month before, one detail came to light, Dick was being followed by shadow figures for months before last nights attack on Arkham City and certain rogues had taken interest in him on certain nights as well. The conclusion was obvious, either the Court of Owls or the Light had been following Dick for a long time and that could mean that we were all compromised,
"so they are after Dick?" Barry questions
"it would seem so" I state
"so we have two groups after one kid" Oliver says
"yes" I answer
"what are we going to do about this?" Barry asks
"at the moment there's not much we can do, with the Court of Owls being hard to find and the Light not in the city all we can do is wait for their next move" I answer
"there's nothing we can do?" Barry questions
"keep a look out, but don't make it obvious, I doubt it will be long before any of them make a move" I answer standing up
"I feel like the Light will be the first to move on this" Oliver says
"it could start a war in Gotham" Barry says
"like I said there's nothing we can do until they make a move" I state
"at least we know who to protect" Barry says
"yes, now I think we have found all we can for now" I say heading towards the elevator as the others follow, this was not going to end well I could feel it, and all we could do was make sure the out come of what was to come was in our favour.
Wayne Manor Kitchen.
July 5 11:00am EST.
(Jason's POV)
After entering the kitchen Alfred and I began to work on making lunch for everyone else, we worked in sync as Alfred let me know what needed to be done and I prepared the ingredients for him. The more we worked the less I thought about what was happening around me before it became a tiny thought and all that remained was the task in front of me, that was until the sound of Bruce, Barry and Oliver coming back up from the cave made its way to our ears,
"I guess it is to much to ask for a few hours of quiet" Alfred says
"asking for quiet in this house?" I question "Alfie I think your working for the wrong man if you expected something like that, although that would be great now and than" I state placing the knife I was using on the counter
"indeed, would you mind keeping Master Bruce out of the kitchen Master Jason?" Alfred asks
"still don't trust him in here huh?" I question
"one has little faith in someone's skills when they can somehow end up burn cereal of things" Alfred answers
"oh yes, I remember that and I still have no idea how he managed it" I say
"I doubt even Master Bruce knows how he managed it" Alfred says
"right, well I'll go protect the kitchen from Bruce and who knows maybe he'll update me on what's going on" I say before making my way out of the kitchen and towards the living room, I guess it was time to see what they found and as an added bonus maybe tease Bruce on his cooking skills again.
Wayne Manor Lounge.
As I entered the lounge I could see Bruce trying and the key word is trying to make small talk to Oliver who in turn was trying hard not to smirk at Bruce's attempt at being civil and by the looks of it Barry was about to lose his shit,
"Bruce you try way to hard" I say walking up to them
"what do you mean?" Bruce questions
"your attempting small talk to people who are your friends, like you've just met them it's no wonder Barry's about to explode into laughter" I state
"I was just trying to make conversation while we waited for you boys to join us" Bruce tries to explain
"yeah, nice try old man" I say " anyway, anything new with you know what?" I ask
"we can say for sure now that they are after Dick" Barry says
"so it is what I feared it would be" I say
"we won't let them get your Brother kid" Oliver says
"we'd better because you know I won't let something bad happen to another sidekick Bruce" I state as I see Bruce flinch
"he's not just Robin to me and you know that Jason, you're both my sons" Bruce says
"I know that, I'm just telling you how it is" I state as I see Bruce begin to move in the direction of the kitchen " I wouldn't do that if I were you" I tease knowing Bruce was trying to exit an awkward conversation
"oh and why is that?" Bruce asks
"Alfred still doesn't trust you after that cereal incident" I say in a teasing tone
"that was one time" Bruce tries to defend
"one time to many, so stay here and wait while I go and see how the others are and try and bring them here for lunch" I say before making my way back in the direction of the library, I could only hope that Bruce had the mental capacity to not worry Roy, Wally and Dick about this and to also not just hover over Dick like a helicopter parent, I mean that would be to much, but then again that was also Bruce.


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