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One day before the purge.

Tyler's POV
I wake up and roll over and see Josh sleeping next to me. I smile to myself and I quietly get out of bed and head to the kitchen. We have one day before the purge. No I'm not really nervous. Okay, I take that back I'm terrified for the purge it has always scared the fuck out of me. I don't ever purge because I don't believe in killing other people for sport or game. Luckily I met a guy who thinks the same way. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I feel someone wrap their arms around me.
I smile and say ,"yes and who is this."
Josh spins me around and lifts me up while sitting me on the counter.
"Your one and only love,"he smiles and kisses me gently.
We look at each other for a moment and then we both snap out of our thoughts.
"So Josh what's for breakfast?"
He puts on his thinking face and acts like he's thinking really hard.
"I'm thinking some pancakes and bacons, but oh we can't forget the eggs and biscuits."
"That's a lot of fucking food Josh ,you fatty."
He gives me his pouty face and crosses his arms.
I chuckle,"Im just kidding Josh calm down now."
I jump off the counter and open up the refrigerator. I get out the eggs and bacon, and give them to Josh and he starts cooking. I get the pancake mix out of the cabinet and we start to look like one of those cooking shows. We don't get to do this very often since we are on the road so much ,but we love to cook when we get the chance. After we cook we sit down to eat and talk about our preparations for the purge.
"I'll have to call the security company and make sure everything is running properly."
"Okay Ty, I'll go to the gun store and buy us enough ammo to let us get through the night."
I give him a look.
"Tyler we have to be safe. You know I won't use any of the guns unless it becomes necessary..but we can't just sit around here with no self defense we need our guns."
" I know.. I just want this night to be over, I hate that night so much."
He comes over to me and puts his arms around me.
"I know you do babe and trust me it'll be over with before you know it."
I give him a smile and then get up to put our plates in the kitchen.
"Well I guess I'll go get in the shower. I got to get the gun store before they sell out of everything."
"Okay babe I'll clean up while you do that."
I clean up the kitchen and then call the security company to run the tests on our security cameras. Everything runs fine and I sigh with relief. Shortly after that Josh leaves for the gun store and I listen to the radio and listen to what everyone is doing tomorrow night. Some of their answers are sick. How can people be so evil.
A couple of hours later Josh finally gets home.
"Hey babe I'm so sorry I'm late the whole place was packed and it took forever. I was lucky that I got there when I did because when I was leaving the were selling out of ammo."
He walks in the living room with a bag of ammo. He hears the radio and then walks over and turns it off.
"You don't need to be listening to that babe it'll only get your nerves worked up."
"I's just hard not to."
We lay around and watch tv for the next couple of hours and then we fix dinner. It was nothing fancy just some Chinese food. Time seems to be passing so much faster and before I know it we are in bed. Josh has his arms around me and he's holding me and telling me it's okay. Then I watch the clock and it hits 12am. Today was the purge.

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