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May 21, day of the purge
Tyler's POV
I don't get any sleep the whole night. When I do fall asleep, it's only for 10 or 15 minutes then I wake back up. I look over at Josh ,and he's fast asleep next me. I don't know what I would ever do if I lost him. He's all I got. He's my husband ,my best friend,he's everything. The thought of loosing him haunts me every year. I look over at the clock. Finally 6 am. I decide I could go ahead and get up since I saw daylight outside. I get up and walk outside to the back porch. I look out at the backyard. It was gonna be a pretty day with not a cloud in the sky. I walk back inside to start making breakfast. We have a lot to do today.

Josh's POV
I wake up and Tyler isn't in the bed. I sigh, because I know he didn't sleep well. He gets really bad anxiety before the purge and is terrified he's gonna loose me. I tell him that he isn't ,but he never believes me. In reality though if it came down to my life or his I would save him. The world needs more people like him ,and he's one of a kind. Nothing can hurt him I won't let that happen. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear a pan crash in the kitchen. I get up and put on some shorts and walk to the kitchen. Tyler is by the sink cracking eggs to put on the pan.
"Good morning."
He jumps a little and then turns and smiles.
"Good morning.. I'm sorry about dropping the pan did I wake you up?"
"No,no you didn't I was already awake don't worry about it."
He nods and walks over to the stove and puts the eggs in the pan. I look at him and I can see the circles around his eyes.
"You didn't sleep well last night did you."
He sighs and says,"no but it's okay I'll be fine..just nervous."
I walk over to him and pull him into a hug.
"Tyler I won't let anything in this world hurt you okay?"
"It's not me I'm worried about Josh.. I'll die if I ever loose you I don't know what I would do with myself. "
"You won't loose me okay I promise. We will survive the night like we always do."
He nods and then turns to sprinkle salt and pepper on the eggs.
"Did you call the security place about the system?"
"Yes, we tested it while you were at the gun store and everything was working fine."
"Okay good..we better clean out our hide out though..you know incase anything were to happen."
"Yea better safe then sorry."
We have a secret space in one of our junk closets in our hallway. We put it in after we bought the house just incase anyone was to break in.
After we finish eating ,I go to the secret hideout and knock down any spider webs that might be there because Tyler won't come in if there are. He's horrified of bugs. I put our guns and ammo in there and some food and water. I also pack back packs with ammo, food,water, and first aid. Better to be prepared on purge night. After I finish me and Tyler sit down and watch the news. This year was the biggest purge yet. They start showing clips of the years previous purge ,and I can see Tyler getting uneasy so I turn it off.
"Josh it's okay if we watch it...besides its gonna happen tonight anyways."
"No, I don't need you to get worked up over this."
He sighs. I look at the clock. 5 o'clock. I look over at Tyler. He's looking at the clock too.
He whispers,"two more hours."
I shake my head and grabs his hands,"come on let's go make dinner and get our minds off all this."
We go into the kitchen and decide to just have hamburgers. Something simple and wouldn't take long. I'm already dreading tonight.

Tyler's POV
Josh is trying to stay strong for me I can tell. We go sit down to eat ,and he turns on tv. I look at the clock. 6 o'clock. One more hour. I can feel the tears stinging the back of my throat. I force them back down though because I really don't want to cry in front of Josh again. We finish eating and we go and wash dishes. This could be the last time we wash dishes together. I feel a tear roll down my cheek but I wipe it away before Josh can notice. We finish watching dishes and I look at the clock. 6:30. We walk onto the back porch and I look at Josh. He's so beautiful. I can't loose him. I won't loose him. God, please protect him and don't let anything happen to him. I look at the sky and it's a really pretty night. It won't last much longer though. Josh puts his arm around me and we take everything in.  I look down at my phone.6:58. I gulp.
"J-Josh..it's time."
He sighs and has tears in his eyes. He kisses me.
"Okay I'm ready."
We walk inside and I go over to our security panel and push arm. Me and Josh sit on the couch and he holds me. The tv goes red. Here we go.

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