It's Definitely Time

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"Karlie go get the doctor please please I do not want this baby to come out by itself." Taylor said in a panic.
"Okay okay." Karlie quickly went outside to flag down the doctor.
"Hi yes my wife has informed me that the baby is going to come out by itself." Karlie said, a bit frantic but still finding humor in Taylor's panic.
"Well I'm sure that's not going true. Happens very rarely." The doctor laughed.
"Tell her that." Karlie laughed lightly.
They got back to Taylor who immediately launched into explanation,
"This baby is going to fall out right now I'm not even kidding please it's time."
"Breathe, it'll be okay. I've never had a single baby fall out of anyone. But I'll check up on you." The doctor said, comforting the panicked singer.
"See babe, you'll be alright." Karlie said, grabbing Taylor's hand.
"While there's no baby falling out, you are ready to do the fun part. It's time for a baby." The doctor smiled.
"Let's have a baby." Karlie smiled, squeezing her hand.
"Let's have a baby." She replied, squeezing in return.
"Okay well this part is very not f-"
Taylor suddenly interrupted with an unpleasant and unhappy sound, clearly in pain.
"Yeah that's what I was going to talk about." The doctor referred to the contraction.
This continued, lots of contractions and pushing and yelling and "I can't believe you did this to me." Even though Karlie definitely did not get Taylor pregnant.

"We're done. Say hello to your baby boy!" The doctor announced, lifting the baby so they could see.
Both girls of course started crying immediately.
"Oh my god we had a baby. Oh my god that's our baby. Oh my god our baby we have a baby and it's crying and he's perfect." Karlie said, all one incoherent sentence.
The doctor has now walked over to clean the baby, and both girls were just panicking.
"We did we had a baby we have a baby we have a son our baby is born he's here we're moms." Taylor cried.
"Alright you two, you want to hold him for a minute?" The doctor offered, holding their newly swaddled baby.
"Yes, yes let me see him." Taylor immediately reached out for their newborn.
"Oh my god look at him he's the most perfect baby ever." Karlie cooed over Taylor's shoulder as she held their son.
"I love him so much oh he's beautiful." Taylor ran her thumb over his cheek.
"I'm sorry you guys but we need to take him back for his check up, don't worry though he'll be back." Dan, the nurse, gently took the baby.
"Oh okay be careful with him. He's so small." Karlie warned.
"I will take perfect care of him."
"Okay let me get you cleaned up a bit." The doctor said, cleaning the new mom up.
The two girls looked at each other, hands intertwined and smiling like crazy.
"We did it. We had a baby." Taylor said.
"We had a baby."
"Does baby have a name?" The doctor asked after she finished up.
"Yeah. Um we're going to name him Edward Scott Kloss-Swift." Taylor answered, they had spent a lot of time on the name.
"That's a wonderful name." She smiled.
"Thank you." Karlie replied, looking lovingly at her wife.
"I will leave you two alone for a bit and come back with Edward." The doctor walked out.
They sat for a while, smiling and crying at their accomplishment.
Quite a while later, too long for either girl's liking, the doctor returned with their son as promised.
It was Karlie's turn to pick him up as the doctor said, "he's perfectly healthy, pretty happy too it seems."
"Oh he is perfect." Taylor started crying again.
"I'm going to let you do some bonding I'll be back in a few minutes."  She excused herself.
As the girl's watched their new baby breath and sleep gently, love evident on their faces, Karlie leaned down and kissed Taylor on the nose.
"We have a son." She whispered.
"We have a son."
Ohhh wow this is late and not that long I'm sorryyyyy I was busy but I posted so at least I tried. It's not even the worst thing ever I think.
But the important part is what do you think? Ideas/thoughts/opinions/suggestions. All very appreciated and loved. Especially suggestions.
Thank you for all the reads and comments and votes.
So much love,
C <3

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