Chapter 4: Malik saves the day

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Kriti's POV:( continued )

I looked up to see zayn taking off his jacket and wrapping it over me. I took it still crying. i signed him a thank you. He looked at me like I am crazy. Hahaha I just realized that  he doesn't know sign language. I took my phone and  went to notes and typed thank you for saving me from the guys after i typed that I gave the phone to him. He read it and typed something on it.  He gave it back. I read what he wrote, which was  " Your welcome. Are you okay? Also lets get you home before anything crazy happens."  I nodded to him to take me home.

Zayn's POV:

I was on my way when I saw some guys trying to do something to a girl. I couldn't see the girls face because of the guy that had her pinned to the wall. When I got closer, I saw that the girl was kriti. I had to save her. After I finished beating the second guy up and turned to see that the guy was opening up kriti's pants buttons. That made me very angry so grabbed him and started to beat him up. After I finished with him I turned to see kriti shivering and crying. I took off my jacket to give it to her . She took it and signed me something I was like what. Then she typed something on her phone and gave it to me. That's when I understood and asked her to come home with me and how she felt. Then we walked home. While we were walking our hands brushed together, I didn't move my hand cause I felt that was right but I think she felt weird because after the third touch she moved her hand away.

Kriti's POV: 

When we walked into my mom knew that I wasn't okay so she signed what happened? I signed nothing everything is fine.She signed me are you sure? I signed her yes mom I am really sure. She signed me to come eat dinner. I nodded. Zayn walked over to his sisters  and sat down. I sat between zayn and safaa. As I sat down, Safaa turned to me and started to talk to me. I looked at my mother for answers but she was to busy talking to trisha. I looked at my dad who was also busy too. I looked at zayn he was too busy talking to doniya and waliyha. I turned to safaa. I tried to say something but nothing came out. The second time I tried something actually came out but I couldn't hear myself so I looked at my mom and called her out.That was when everyone looked at me shocked. After I saw there reaction I knew that I could talk. My mom rushed to my side and signed me to say mom again. Then I tried to say it again and it came out again. My mom came closer and hugged me.I cried into my moms arms. This the first time I have said mom, its my first word. My mom let me go and my dad hugged me from behind . Finally I can talk to my family but still sign language has to work. I looked around smiling.My mom asked zayn  something and walked away into a different room. I turned around to everyone else. They were talking to me and dad used sign language to tell me what they were saying and then I talked them with my voice to them.

Zayn's POV:

Her mom took me into another room.

" What actually happened when you were out?" , her mom asked.

" Nothing mam, nothing at all.",I said.

" I know something happened from kriti's face so tell me.", she said in a serious tone. 

After that I told her everything that happened and she started to cry.

"Thank you for saving my daughter.", she said clearing her face.

"Your welcome.", I said.

and with that we walked in to the dining room.

Kriti's POV:

After a few minutes zayn and mom walked into the room and my mom was crying. I signed her what's wrong mom?  She signed me I think you should tell us. huh?  I looked at zayn he nodded at me. So I told them everything that happened to me. My mom signed me why didn't you tell me. I told her because I thought it wasn't that import with tears in my eyes. She came near me and slapped me for not telling. This was the first time in my life my mom slapped me and she did the right thing. I signed her a sorry and sat there with my head done. I hear some footsteps walking away from the dining table. I looked up to see only the malik family and me. I put my head in my hands and cried that's all I did. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see trisha and right when I saw her, I hugged and cried into her her neck.

" I didn't mean to not tell her auntie. I am sorry please talk to her. I know she did the right thing by slapping me. Please tell her to not shut me out like she did in the past. Please." I told her.

She said something and then zayn handed me his phone and it said that his mom said that everything will be fine and she will talk to my mom about it. She promised me that my mom won't shut me out but before she goes and talks I should go and talk to her. I looked at her and nodded.I wiped my tears away and apologized for what happened here and that I will be back.  

I walked to my mom' s room and knocked on it. My dad opened the door. I signed my mom to please talk to me. She signed me to leave. I said no. She  went crazy and started to go crazy with signs. I knew at that moment that she is going to shut me out and that she was screaming. I left the room and walked towards the dining room. 

"Sorry guys, you had to hear that I know that she is going to shut me out for sure now." I told the maliks. 

Donyia came up to me and hugged me she showed me her phone which said it will be fine.

"I hope so, I think we should call it a night and again I am sorry for what happened." I said.

They all hugged me and they walked to the car. Zayn walked back and kissed my head and left.

Right after they left I went to my room did my routine and laid in bed crying to sleep.

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