RUN Drabble series (Part 2)

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PS: hehe got a little overboard with Namjoon's XD


"I can't believe you talked me into this."

"Shh!" Namjoon looked over his shoulder, a teasing grin shadowing his lips that you weren't sure whether to punch him in the face for it or kiss that grin away.

Wait, what?

"Then why'd you come?" He whispered back before making a right turn at the end of the hall.

Why did I come?, you asked yourself, feeling frustrated by the second. Namjoon always had a way with you. And when he asked you the other day about helping him out in one of his little games, you agreed almost instantly.

Well it took a pout and a whole lot of pleading--not to mention a deal to take you out on your favorite pizza place to agree.

But still, Namjoon could easily make you agree to almost anything and you almost always wondered why.

"In here!"

You sighed and followed him into the auditorium, taking your post by the door while he removed his back pack and started unpacking whatever trouble he's got planned.

You looked out the hall, seeing that it was dark and empty.

Good, you thought, wishing Namjoon would make it quick. Just then, the smell of paint filled your nostrils and as you turned, you saw Namjoon facing the white wall of the auditorium's stage, a can of spray paint in hand.

"Seriously?!" You hissed at him, thinking how juvenile the act was. Namjoon may be a troublemaker, but he was smart--way damn smarter than this.

Namjoon turned to you slightly as he shook the can, shrugging nonchalantly. "Keep watch!" He pointed at the door and you rolled your eyes before looking back out and doing your job as tonight's look out.

A few minutes later, the smell of paint was palpable and you wondered what on earth Namjoon was doing this for. Before you could turn to ask him, your ears perked at the sound of an echo from the empty hallway.

"Namjoon!" You hissed. "I think someone's coming!"

"I'm almost done!"

You felt dread filling your chest when a flashlight lit the end of the hall, followed by a set of footsteps.

"Namjoon!" You hissed a little louder. "Code red!"

"Just taking a picture!"

"Put away the damn phone and--"


You gasped as you turned to your left, completely missing the security guard coming from the other end of the hall.

You cursed but before you could panic, a warm hand captured yours, sending an electric shot through your arm. You looked up and felt the breath knocked out of your chest at how close Namjoon was peering over you.

"Run!" He grinned and before you knew it, he was pulling you into a sprint through the hall and out of the school grounds.

Your chest was on fire but the warm hand enclosed around yours was keeping you both secure and insane. You ran and ran, the adrenaline sparking electricity through your veins. You could hardly breathe, but you were unsure whether it was from the running or from Namjoon holding your hand. Funny how a single touch can affect you.

The two of you finally stopped when you got to the bridge near the park; panting and sweating. Your heads turned towards each other at the same time, and laughter bubbled out of your chests.

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