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Perrie's POV:

Jade and I were in the back seat of the car and my head still burning, I'm groaning of pain and then Jade put her hands on top of my hands that are placing on the forehead.

She start pulling me over her while she is leaning on me making my head rest on her chest facing back at her. She put my hands down on my forehead and lay it in my side, while she places her hands in my forehead again and starts to massage my temple.

"Sshhh.. just take a deep breathe OK and try to relax" Jade said to me. So I did what she said and try to relax while my eyes still close because of the burning feelings on my eyes.

"Is the pain ease for a little bit?" she ask me I just nodded and she continue massage it while she's humming something.

I felt relax the minute when she put her hands on my forehead and make me lean on her chest even though it really doesn't ease the pain at the beginning but as she still doing it on my forehead the pain loosen up a little bit and I doze of sleepy mode and I can't stand to stay awake so I eventually gave in to my sleepy state.

Jade's POV:

As I massage Perrie's forehead I heard some snore, I just smile at the thought the she fall asleep against my chest. I start to look around the car and I found that Jesy is looking at us in the rare mirror I just smile to her.

She eventually say something "is she OK? Are you OK?" "She fell asleep I think she's OK now. And Yeah I think I survive in this position". I said to Jesy while smiling at her. Not for long we reach the dorm and pulled over.

They went outside and open the door for us. I try to wake Perrie up its no used. So I start to grab her and carry her inside the dorm until we reach our room.

"You alright Jade can you still carry Perrie we almost there." Leigh Anne ask me. "Yeah I'm OK but this girl is heavy! Can someone take my keys on my pocket and help me open the door for us?" I said.

Jesy grab the keys to my pocket and open the door for us and I start walking inside to put Perrie on her bed.

"Here's your key Jade are you going to be fine if we leave you now?" Jesy ask me "Yeah I'll be fine and I think Perrie too. Thanks for helping me and for the dinner I have fun." I told to them.

"Yeah we have fan too so see you tomorrow Jade and get some rest you look tired, is Perrie that heavy?" Leigh said teasingly the last part. I just nodded and smile. Then they left our room I pick Perrie up for more comfortable position and grab her blanket to cover her body.

Perrie's POV:

I was on the dark place I can't see anything so I start to calling Jesy, Leigh Anne and Jade's name but no one answer me. I start to walk until I found a door so I open it.

I found someone standing at the end of the room. I'm scared to come forward but I need to know where I am.

So I say "who are you? And where I am?" the woman face me but I can't see her face and she start talking to me "Oh! Dear you already forget me, don't you even missed me?"

I frown against the word she just said. Who is she? Do I know her? That's the question I keep asking in my head. But her voice is very familiar to me is like i really know her. And all of a sudden the fire starts to run all over us I start to freak out.

"What's happening? Where are we? Answer me!!" I scream against her and she just laugh and she said "Soon darling! Soon you will see me and join me to rule here."

"Rule where? I don't even know you" I said to her. She laugh loudly and scary "oh you knew me Perrie more than you think. You'll come with me and join me to rule the UNDERWORLD".

And after what she said she vanishes from my sight and suddenly I woke up in my bed sweating and panting hardly. WTF! Just happened and I saw my lamp shade flew up in the air so I wave my hand to the air so the lamp move back to the side table and look around if Jade is awake luckily she's in the bathroom.

I sat up on my bed trying to process what just happened and try to forget my nightmare. This is bad I knew it, I never use my powers before while I'm sleeping and I know it is because of that nightmare.

Jade start to walk out of the bathroom and sees me seating on my bed. "Pez you're alright?" it snap me from my depth thoughts and smile to her and said "Pez?"

"Oh sorry if you don't want I won't call you that anymore." She said to me I smile and say "No it's OK, its just new to me but it sounds cool though, I kinda like it".

She smile to me and headed to her bed and ask me again "You're OK? You look like hell". I was on hell that's what I thought, "I'll be fine I just have a nightmare, I'll be fine in no time". I assure her that.

She start walking towards the kitchen and grab a glass of water and then handed to me and said "Here drink some water it helps you to calm down and you better take a shower so you take your mind out of that nightmare and so we don't be late on school". She said and with that my eyes went wide open as I remember today is our first day. I rush and enter the bathroom so I can shower.

Jade's POV:

After we got dressed up we headed on the university to find our classroom and take our seats and we're 10 mins early. And I notice I forgot my phone in the dorm so I ask Perrie to watch my things I will be back to the dorm to get my phone.

I know I can't make it so I went on the corner outside of the room and look around if there's a people on my sight so when the coast is clear I orb out and orb in inside our dorm room and look for my phone.

After I found and grab it I do the same thing before orb out and orb in on the corner of our classroom and luckily no one's there so no one see me do my power. I know what I did is risky but I don't want to be late on my class.

As I enter the room almost all of them are there and Perrie told me "that was fast how do you do that?" "I took a shortcut and I'm a fast runner." I said trying to convince them and they actually believe it.

Perrie's POV:

As Jade went back to the dorm I saw Jesy and Leigh Anne come in and seat right beside me and ask "where's Jade?"

"She went back to dorm she forgot her phone" I answer them. "You're alright you seems so preoccupied is there's something wrong?" Leigh said and I told them what happened to my nightmare.

They told me not to think about it and it's just a dream and nothing more but I can see that they are nervous like me but they don't want me to see it so I won't panic.

And the brunette start to enter the room panting her lungs out. She was quick I mean 10 mins to the university to dorm and back again here she really is fast as flash.


Fact: Orbing is like teleporting. But it has a flashing light that surrounds the person or thing before it teleport. And orbing is one of the white lighter's powers. Since Jade is half white lighter she has the ability to Orb herself or anything she ask or told to. 

In this chapter shows you a glimpse of their power although its not that clear really. And who is the mysterious woman in Perrie's dream. More character will be revealed in the next chapter. Thanks for reading don't forget to comment and votes..until the next chapter...  --therz-- 

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