Chapter 2 - The New Neighbors

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"Kyle can you hand me the box labelled kitchen stuff"

Kyle picks up the box and gives it to Amanda. Amanda walks the box over to the kitchen, puts it on the ground and starts putting the dishes into the cabinets. Kyle grabs Amanda and pulls her into a hug. He gives her a kiss.

"Ooh... what was that for"

"The celebration of moving into a new house"

Kyle walks over to a bag and pulls out a bottle of red wine.

"C'mon Kyle, we get carried away with wine and usually get drunk quickly, I don't want to be drunk before dinner!"

"Amanda, it's all about celebration and being happy!"

Amanda smiled and continued unpacking the kitchen stuff. Kyle walked over to box and pulled out two wine glasses and poured the glasses to the top.

"Aren't you meant to fill it halfway?"

"Well I don't play by the rules"

He hands Amanda the wine glass, and picks up the other wine glass.

"A toast, a start to a new life" said Kyle

They clinked the glasses together and started to drink.

It was Night time, the sounds of rain hitting the ground hard and the thunder roaring in the sky. It was Kyle and Amanda's first night staying in the new house. Amanda suddenly woke up, the feeling of someone watching her came back. She looked at Kyle who was very much fast asleep. She got out of bed and walked into the kitchen, she retrieved a glass from the cabinet and poured water into the glass. She remembered the experience she had in the apartment months earlier, making her feel uneasy and paranoid as usual. She quickly turned around, no one was standing behind her, she turned back, no shadows behind her shadow. She felt relieved, but the uneasy feeling stayed. She walked up to the window and stared at the other 3 houses. BANG! the thunder startled Amanda, she laughed to herself.

"Got to love thunder" she whispered to herself.

She continued to stare at the 3 houses. The 3 houses were covered by the mist, and the sky filled the court with a murky green colour. The rain hitting against the window comforted Amanda, she closed her eyes and stood there for a minute listening to the rain.

"Peaceful isn't it?" a voice says in the distance.

Amanda thinks it's just a voice in her head and answers it.

"Yes it is"

Amanda smiles and puts her head on the window, the sound of rain getting louder as she moves her ear closer to the window.


Amanda opens her eyes and is startled by the sudden voice that is yelling, she looks out the window and a figure is standing outside staring into her eyes. She doesn't move, the figure doesn't move either. Amanda starts to back away slowly, she stops, something in her head is telling her not to move. The figure puts its hand on the glass and scrapes across the window, making a screeching sound. Amanda closes her eyes again and starts to breathe loudly, she opens them again, the figure is standing right in front of her. She falls to the ground but doesn't scream. The figure was the clown from her dreams.

"What do you want from me?"

"I'm just welcoming the guests to the amusement park, it's my job"

His eerie voice made Amanda more frightened.

"There is no Park anymore, it's just the court with the houses, Burken Court"

Amanda stood up trying to keep herself together and not show any signs of fear.

"Burken Court? I had no idea, well all the guests in Burken Court are always welcome to enter Fearland!"

Amanda gulped, the voice was unsettling.

The Clown leaned in closer to Amanda. Amanda closed her eyes and turned away.

"ESPECIALLY YOU!!" The clown yelled.

Amanda opened her eyes and the clown was gone. She looked around, nowhere in sight. She walked into the bedroom and got back into to bed and closed her eyes.

"Amandaaaaaaaaaaaaa..." it was the voice again.

the sound of footsteps came from the kitchen and then closer, and closer, and closer until the sound of footsteps stop when it reached the end of the bed. Amanda opened her eyes and pulled the blanket over her head.

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