Chapter 8 - Running Through Memories (Continued)

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Marvin waited in fear hoping Alex wouldn't find him, Alex searched the whole house but was unsuccessful, being unfit, Alex gave up searching in 10 minutes.

"Alex is what he fears?" asked Amanda.

"The memory plays back in his head, The Reaver makes him relive this moment" responded Rebecca.

"What happened?"


Alex looked at the cupboard and walked over to it, he put his ear up against the cupboard, Marvin accidentally gasped and Alex started banging on the cupboard. Marvin screamed and Alex managed to open up the cupboard, He grabbed Marvin and dragged him into the master bedroom. The house went dark.

"What happened?"

"This is the end of the memory"

Amanda walked over to the table and noticed the same picture she keeps seeing around her house. Amanda turned to face the door.

"You need to find your way out" said Rebecca.

"What do you mean?"

"You're in his memories, it will give you clues as to where he was buried"

"But how would he know where he was buried, didn't he die"

"His mind continued to live on when The Reaver summoned him and relocated his body, you need to find the answer to your question, it will end the memories and you will return to earth, if you don't you will become a lost memory"

Amanda nodded and opened up the door, it took her to the entrance of Fearland. The wind was strong and bins were getting pushed around, rides were spinning fast, faster than your usual rides. Amanda walked slowly through the park and looked around for clues. She spotted Marvin with a gas canister.

"Mommy can I ride the carousel?" a little girl asked her mother.

"OK, Rebecca go with Lily to the carousel and don't lose her" said the mother.

"The year must be 1996, the day of the tragedy" Amanda thought to herself.

Rebecca appeared from out of nowhere.

"Why have we skipped memories? there has to be more..." asked Amanda.

"The memories are in order of when they come to his mind, there all mixed"

"So your telling me we are stuck in some sort of shuffle?"

"Unfortunately yes"

Amanda sighed and looked over to a tent, there was a fire.

"Can we do anything to stop it"

"No... we are in a memory"

Amanda rolled her eyes, she thought about her question and realized how stupid it was.

BANG! BOOM! The tents exploded when the fire spread to the grills.

"How do we go to the next memory?"

"We follow him"

Amanda realized if they follow him, Rebecca will learn about how she died.

"Are you sure you want to see what happens next Rebecca?"

"I've been searching for answers for quite a while now, I think I am ready"

As soon as the fires spread to all the rides, buildings, attractions and the tents, Amanda and Rebecca followed Marvin, Marvin walked over to a lake and forced Rebecca's head into the water.

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