Chapter 11 - Raining Down On A Broken Heart

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Tyler sat in her room, staring at the wall in shock, she just witnessed her boyfriend being stabbed to death and she couldn't do anything about it. A Policeman opened the door and walked into the room.

"I know it's a tough time right now, but I need you to answer some questions"

A tear fell from Tyler's eye, she responded by slowly nodding her head.

"Can you describe the person who killed your boyfriend?"

"...It wasn't even a person"

"What do you mean?"

"This... thing has been taunting me and Amanda for months and no one else can see it"

"I'm not following ma'am"

"He is not alive, his just a sick old pervert who roams the earth looking for victims that he can use for some sort of ritual"

The Policeman sighed and another Policeman walked into the room. The Policeman walked over to the other Policeman.

"How's she doing?" whispered Policeman number 2.

"I think this incident has messed with her head, she said the suspect was some sort of ghost"

"You think I'm crazy don't you" said Tyler.

The policemen both turned to look at Tyler.

"I get why you would both have that impression, because who would believe that a dead man is the reason for all this shit that's happening"

"Listen w..."

"Don't... I know what you are going to try and do, you're going to say that under the circumstances we get why you would think such things happen because it's a disturbing thing to witness, well I know what happened and so does Amanda, I'll stick with my story and you both don't have to believe me, Marvin has you where he wants"

"Who's Marvin?" said Policeman number 1.

Tyler stood up from the bed and walked over to Policeman number 1 and put her mouth to his ear.

"Do some research and there is your suspect"

Tyler pushed her way past the policemen and walked out the bedroom.

"We need someone to watch over her for the next couple of days" said Policeman number 1.

Policeman number 2 walked over the wall and noticed there was a small blood stain, there was a peel, the Policeman pulled the peel and it revealed a hidden message, which read: "No one can save them"

Amanda sat on the couch downstairs waiting for Tyler, Tyler sat down next to her, she looked at Amanda.

"I don't know how I'm going to tell his family, or plan his funeral, I just can't do this"

Amanda was in the same position.

"I have to call Kyle's Mum tomorrow, I don't even know how I'm going to do that because she's such a lovely lady and the last thing I want to do is upset her"

Tyler gasped.

"Tyler what is it??"

"Kyle and Jack, Marvin is going to take them back to Fearland and his going to become the new Reaver"

"I was hoping It didn't have to come to this but... we need to enter Fearland and save Kyle and Jack" said Amanda.

Tyler looked at Amanda for a couple of seconds then nodded her head in agreement.

"Does that mean..."

"Yes, we need to summon Marvin"

Tyler sighed, knowing what possible danger Marvin can bring gave Tyler an uneasy feeling.

"We still have a couple of days, so we need time to prepare ourselves" said Amanda.

The policemen walked over to Amanda and Tyler.

"OK so we are going to have someone watch over you and it is advised if you both stay together is that alright?" said Policeman number 1.

"Yeah that's fine" said Amanda.

"OK we will be heading off now, Here's our numbers"

Policeman number 1 handed them a little card with two phone numbers on it.

"Give us a call if you ever need us, no matter what circumstance"

Amanda whispered a slight thank you, the policeman, ambulance and the forensic team all left the house, taking all the evidence with them.

"I'm going to bed, I just need some sleep" said Tyler.

Amanda smiled and gave Tyler a goodnight hug. Tyler walked into her room closed the door and slowly fell to the floor, she began to cry, the memories of Jack flooded her mind. She laid there crying for ten minutes, then finally she stood up and walked over to the bed and laid down, she looked over to the bedside cabinet and stared at the photo of her and Jack. She picked it up and held it against her chest.

"I heard what you said earlier, I'm here for you now"

Tyler gasped at the sudden voice, suddenly hands came from out of the mattress, one held onto her mouth and one on her stomach, the mattress turned into a sinkhole and Tyler was pulled in.

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