Chapter 2 - The New Neighbors (Continued)

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Amanda pulled the blanket from over her head, it was morning. She looked around for the clown that was harassing her last night, but he was nowhere to be seen. She looked over to Kyle's side of the bed, he wasn't there. But then she remembered, he had a job interview. She got out of bed and walked into a kitchen, she could hear a truck pulling up in the court.

"That must be the new neighbors" she said to herself.

Amanda walked out the front door to greet the neighbors, she wanted a fresh start and actually get along with the neighbors. A girl was pulling out boxes from the back and handing it to a guy, a young guy who looked the same age as Amanda. The girl noticed Amanda and smiled, she walked over to Amanda.

"Hello, I'm Tyler Smithman and that's my boyfriend Jack Greggens"

Amanda was stunned by how pretty Tyler was, She was just a little bit taller than Amanda, light skin, long blonde hair that went lower than her shoulders. It made Amanda a little jealous.

"Hi I'm Amanda Keaton, I'm also new around this court"

"Oh so are we the only ones living here besides you"

"and my boyfriend"

Amanda was quick to jump in with that line, in a way to tell Tyler that she's not the only one with a boyfriend.

"Well I think you should come over for dinner with your boyfriend, so we can get to know each other better" said Tyler.

"Sounds like a plan"

"Great! well I'm going to go back to finishing what I was doing, we still have a lot of boxes to unpack"

Tyler Smiled and waved at Amanda, Amanda waved back. Amanda liked Tyler, but she was jealous of how pretty she was. Amanda walked inside, into the kitchen and turned the kettle on, she sat down on the stool, opened her laptop and checked her Facebook.

"Tyler, take a break for 10 minutes, you need it"

"Jack I just want to get this all done so we can have more time to relax"

"Well I'm taking a break because I'm starving"

"What time is?" said Tyler.

"It's 12 o'clock which means lunch time"

Jack walked past Tyler and slapped her on the butt, Tyler laughed.

In the Backyard of Tyler and Jacks House, the gate that lead to the field started opening and closing by itself, there was no wind. Each time it opened and closed, the Ferris wheel became visible and then other rides, buildings and tents. Tyler noticed from the window the gate opening and closing, she went outside to inspect it. She saw the Ferris Wheel. Tyler slowly opened the gate fully and walked over to the Ferris Wheel, the sky went dark, the colour of the sky was murky green and mist appeared out of nowhere. Tyler went to turn back to the house, but there was nothing there, no gate, no fence, no house. The circus theme song started playing, but it was rather distorted and eerie.

"Won't you come and enjoy the excitement at Fearland!" said an eerie voice.

Tyler stood standing in the same spot and didn't dare to move. She noticed a figure with a black gown on moving towards her, but it wasn't walking, it was levitating. Tyler started to run away, she stopped herself from running into a lake and noticed a girl's reflection in the water. she got onto her knees and moved herself closer to the water, she looked behind her and the black gown figure was behind her, she turned back to the water and the clown was face to face with her, smiling with his bloody teeth in full view, he pulled her into the water.

"TYLER!" Jack Shouted.

Tyler turned to face Jack and then looked around her, she was standing at the gate. the house was back, she opened the gate, the Ferris wheel, the rides, the buildings and the tents were all gone.

"Tyler, what were you doing? you were just standing there banging on the gate screaming"

"I... I... I don't know I thought I saw something"

Tyler wanted to tell Jack what she had seen, but she knew Jack wouldn't believe her, she didn't even believe it herself.

"Well I made sandwiches, come inside to eat"

Tyler followed Jack into the house, she stopped at the door and turned around, the gate was open and the Ferris Wheel was visible again.

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