Chapter 1

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I slowly moved through the woods. Any walkers I tried to avoid, but there wasn't much to worry about. Soon I found a road. Looking both directions, I chose to go back in the direction of the prison. Hopefully I would find them. If not right away, eventually. They were out there. It would just be a matter of time before we found each other again.


I walked behind the younger Dixon brother. It wasn't hard to feel the anger radiating off of him. We were away from camp hunting.
"What are ya still followin me for?" He demanded as he turned around.
"I said I was going hunting. So I am." I remarked. "I said if you ever needed help-"
He cut me off. "Do'n need no help." He grumbled.
"I don't care. I'd rather be out here gettin dirty than be cleanin shit so you'll have to put up with me." I mimicked his tone.
"Stupid bitc-"
"Don't." I blurted. "Wanna act like a four year old, you can be treated like one."
"What'd you call me?" Daryl demanded.
We were far enough from camp him and I could have a yelling match and no one would know. Yelling, not screaming.
"Did I stutter?" I growled, throwing one of my knives over Daryl's shoulder.
"No." I threw a second knife.
"You missed. Thought you were supposed to be a dead shot."
"I didn't miss." I mumble, walking past him.

One knife had killed a squirrel, the other lodged into the skull of a walker. Tossing the dead animal to Daryl I went to retrieve my other knife.
"Ya know. You're not the only one who's had a bad past. And I really hope that one of these days you realize that."
I cleaned both knives on the dead corpse's shirt.
"If you need to hear that someone cares. You shouldn't have to hear it. If you actually look, you can see it. If you tell yourself you don't care." I paused, glaring at him. "Then you need to open your eyes."


Almost every part of my hurt as I drug myself along the road. A corn field came into my view along with a truck and man with a dark mullet. He held an automatic weapon as walkers flooded from the field. All the sudden shots rang out. My hands flew to my ears and I sank down to one knee. Tensing up I made myself as small as I could, which in reality wasn't very small. The gunshots continued and I could hear bullets hit metal. Pulling myself out of it I quickly got over to the man.
"Give me that." I growled, easily tugging the weapon from his hands. His eyes widened as I turned my aim to the walking dead. Where there were no more corpses heading toward us I looked over to see a big framed redhead and co behind him. He was flipping out about the truck when a woman shook his shoulder mumbling his name. He started to snap at her when he noticed me a stood.
"Hold this." I shoved the weapon back into the shorter man's hand.
The redhead and I were close to the same hight. We stared each other down, hardly showing an ounce of emotion. Everyone behind the redhead looked nervous. There was a gasp or two when the redhead stumbled back after I hit him. My knuckles stung when he finally fell on his but.
"That was for every goddamn time you decided to mess with me at training and anything else." I growled. A smirk quickly formed on my lips, which confused everyone. "Now get your ass up Ford. That's an order."
Taking the hand from his face and standing, Abraham and I hugged.
"What so your ordering me around?" He smirked when Howe pulled away.
"Last I checked I outranked you Sergeant." He looked at me. "But since the last you checked, I've gotten a few promotions."
"Abraham. Who's this?" The woman behind him asked.
"Rosita Espinosa, Eugene Porter." He motioned to the two people closest to us. "This is a good army friend of mine, Nakota Troy." He was about to turn to introduce me to the other two when I saw one of them.
I stepped forward in complete shock and joy. "Glenn?" I started stepping toward him when the adrenaline wore off. Glenn's smile faded as my hand hit the truck so I could quickly support myself. A had wrapped around my stomach and side where most the pain came from. Groaning through gritted teeth I lowered myself so I sat down. Everyone quickly made their way closer to me as my head swirled from the sudden bursts of pain. Pulling my arm back for a second, I found it red.
"Shit." I muttered as Glenn kneeled beside me. "It reopened."
"Nakota." Both Glenn and Abraham called at the same time. "Nakota?"
Their figures would become clear before going fuzzy again. Slowly my body slumped over.
Abraham took ahold of my shoulders. "Nakota. Nakota!"
Glenn was also saying my name, but it was all drowned out by the pounding in my ears. It was all starting to go numb, as everything went black.

As the world around me faded, all I could see was a redneck pointing his crossbow at me back in that small cabin. All I could see was the way he looked at me that morning when he and everyone else thought I had turned. That look in his eye as he figured out I had something planned as the Governor held me hostage with Michonne and Hershel.

Most of all, his words echoed in my head as he turned from me back at the farm.
"Cause I had to." He had muttered.

And everything went black.

I will save questions for the next chapter.
Happy 4th of July everybody, thought I'd start this today. Hope y'all had a good day.
I am working on another story so updates may not be the quickest.
Please remember to vote, comment, and tell me what you think! Until the next chapter!

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