PT. 2||Midnight Fun

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It's the creaky floorboard by the door that wakes him and he snuffles slightly and buries his face deeper into the pillow.

"I can't sleep," Kyungsoo says as if its anything to do with Jongin though it partly is, Jongin finally stirs and blinks slowly to look at the clock. 4am. Fantastic. He's to exhausted to even move even as Kyungsoo's scent fills his nose as the other man lays next to him on the bed making the mattress dip beside him. A warm hand slides itself underneath Jongin's shirt. Kyungsoo's palm laying softly on top of stomach and Kyungsoo's mouth is by Jongin's ear, breathing softly "Common Jongin, it's just a present"

Jongin knows there must be more than that and rolls onto his back and peers at Knyungsoo in the dim light provided by the streetlamps outside.

"No one has ever turned me down before," he murmurs and Jongin gets his answer.

"That's not the most convincing argument I've ever heard," Jongin grumbles, and Kyungsoo's hand is still on him, burning his skin with the heat.

"You need to keep watch; what if I steal all of your belongings? What if this has all been a ruse from the beginning?"

"No one can fake being that annoying. If you do decide to rob me, just don't wake me."

"Do you have any friends?" Kyungsoo retorts and Jongin makes a thoughtful face.

"Taemin no longer counts because you're here and it's all his fault."

"I'll take that as a 'no'."

The mattress shifts as Kyungsoo moves, one hand resting just above Jongin's shoulder, close enough that his wrist brushes the skin of his neck, warm and soft and entirely distracting, just like the thumb rubbing circles just below his navel.

"You have plenty, I suppose? Any that don't pay you?"

It's a low blow, Jongin knows, but ever since Kyungsoo showed up at his door he's wanted to push him, see his true personality and he has a feeling Kyungsoo won't disappoint.

" Now that's playing dirty. Something I maybe in favor of."

He lowers his mouth, teeth biting sharply into the skin of Jongin's upper arm, just under the short sleeve of his shirt, making Jongin hiss softly. When Jongin brings his hands up to Kyungsoo's waist, he discovered Kyungsoos only clad in his underwear and digs his fingers into the other means hips, tugging slightly. Jongin shifts Kyungsoo to make him straddle his thighs. The bed sheets fall out of place around them, no longer providing any coverage but Jongin couldn't care as now he has a better view of Kyungsoo.

"That's a good look for you," Jongin says, meaning every word, but unable to admit it without the fake sarcasm. "No wonder you're so easily employable."

Kyungsoo grinds down with the barest of touches, but with so much promise that it makes Jongin's stomach clench painfully. He thinks about the lap dance Kyungsoo threatened him with and wonders if he could still earn himself one.

"I'm a man of many talents," Kyungsoo drawls. "If you're lucky, I might just show you a few of them."

Jongin can't keep up the banter; it's easier to just slide a hand behind Kyungsoo's head and pull him down, their mouths meeting roughly, wet and smooth, and just what Jongin expects. What he doesn't expect is the way Kyungsoo slows the movements, turns them soft and gentle, hands coming up to cup Jongin's face with callous-free palms. He tastes minty, exactly like Jongin's toothpaste, and he knows Kyungsoo found the toothbrush left out for him. His tongue is warm and insistent against Jongin's mouth, almost enough to allow him to forget why he shouldn't let his fingers explore Kyungsoo's torso.

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