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Taemin seems disappointed when Jongin finally gave back the money.

"I shouldn't have this. You was supposed to blow of steam" he says, frowning as he tucks the evelope into his jacket pocket. "Does this mean I need to get you another present?"

"Not if it's going to be anything like the first."

"I'm sure Kyungsoo has a friend." Which makes Jongin actually blush, he feels nut it spread across his face and clears his throat as he focuses on picking out the onions in his sandwich and chucking them on Taemin's plate. Taemin looks at his friend through squinted eyes and breaks into a grin "So I can assume you've given it some thought"

Jongin refuses to dignify that with a answer because Taemin's right. He doesn't need to know I done more than just think about it.

"What did you do with him then?"

Jongin shrugs and takes a bite of his food, chewing slowly and swallowing before answering.

"We watched TV and ate pizza. Also, he did my dishes."

"Are you serious? And he still gave you the money back? If I were him, I'd have charged you double for being such a fucking granddad."

"He was nice."

"Just not nice enough for you to fuck."

Jongin makes a face at that and points a chip towards the other man.

"Eat your lunch before it goes cold."

"Yes, Dad," Taemin teases and manages to last thirty seconds before physically twitching with the urge to speak. Jongin glares at him, daring him to say something and Taemin bits his lip to try and reduce his grin. "Did he call you 'dad' too?" he says, laughing before he even finished and Jongin signs as he grabs his water.

"Why do I even put up with you?"

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