PT. 3||The Second Coming

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Jongin doesn't remember setting the alarm as it beeps next to him forcing him awake. He grumbles loudly as he reaches over to silence it. Lifting his head up, Jongin blinks the sleep out of his eyes as he sees a note next to his alarm.

Morning Sleeping Beauty, Please don't waste the day in bed.

The writing is exeptionly neat and he guesses its Kyungsoo. He sighs and glances over his shoulder to find a pool of blankets where he once was.

The thought of going back to sleep crosses his mind seconds before the alarm starts up again ruining any future attempts as Jongin switches it of complete and drags himself out of bed. Grabbing a pair of boxers and slipping them on before making his way to the kitchen.

The pleasant smell coming for the room sparks curiosity as Jongin sees a coffee pot full of fresh coffee and another note stuck to the microwave door.

Made too much food. I should charge extra.

He opens it up to find a plate of scrambled eggs and toast that is still unexpectedly warm, hinting that Kyungsoo only left a little while ago. He takes it out and walks to the sink to glance out his window that overlooks the parking lot. There's a mother pushing a stroller and a man standing on the corner of the street gesticulating wildly with one had while he shouts into his phone. It's not Kyungsoo and Jongin berates himself for even hoping. Kyungsoo was just a one-night-stand, nothing more. It just happened to be paid for by Taemin. Jongin sets his plate down and sighs; he needs coffee.

He grabs a mug and pours some out and sits at the kitchen table holding the coffee close, letting the steam waft over his face as he shuts his eyes and breathes in slowly. He definitely doesn't think about Kyungsoo, or the fact that the night before was possibly the best sex he's ever had. He takes a long sip of his drink, careful not to burn his tongue, and then sets the mug down in front of him, glancing briefly at his cell phone that's sitting next to him. There are no messages, not even any from Taemin, and the feeling inside him is definitely not disappointment.

He sighs and leans back in his chair, almost falling out of it when he notices a thick envelope stuck to his fridge with a magnet with the number to his local plumber on it. He gets up and unpins it, taking another swig of his coffee before turning it over. He recognises Taemin's handwriting immediately, the tidy script spelling out the address for a local PO Box, but there's no name. Out of curiosity he opens it, though he notices he's not the first one to get to it, but he gapes when he pulls out a wad of notes and a small, folded piece of paper. Just looking at the pile of twenties and fifties, he knows there's probably close to a thousand dollars in there, but he doesn't know how it ended up in his apartment.

He opens up the note and it finally dawns on him.


Call me when you want to celebrate your birthday again.


PS. I'm free next Saturday.

Jongin stares at the message blankly. Call him? How am I to get his number? From Taemin? Not that he would dare try calling him for fear of the endless teasing. This also means money must be Taemin's which he plans to return as soon as he sees him. No prostitute would ever give out anything for free, right? Unless they didn't need the money in the first place. He puts his head in his hands and sighs, hating that everything in his life always seems to become so complicated.

His phone buzzes across the table and he grabs it without looking at the number, expecting it to be Taemin, gloating and trying to prise his way into Jongin's personal life.

"Hello?" he says, sounding about as awful as he feels and there's a pause on the other end of the phone. "If this is a telemarketer, I'm not in the mood."

"What are you in the mood for then, Jongin?" comes Kyungsoo's smooth voice and causing Jongin to almost drop the phone.

"How did you get this number?"

"From the phone you left sitting on your kitchen table. I took the liberty of adding mine to your contacts."

Jongins not sure how to check while taking a call but when he pulls the phone from his ear the screen tells him hes connected to 'Guy who defo feels it today'. He blushes and puts the phone closer to his ear.

"Why are you calling?"

"Did you get my note?" Kyungsoo says instead of answering.

"Yes. Why didn't you take the money?"

"So you're free on Saturday?"


"You fed me and put me up for the night. Why would I take the money?"

"You were still just doing your job," Jongin says with a sigh and there's another pause.

"We went through this last night. I told you: I was doing it because I wanted to. Just a regular one-night-stand."

"And now you're asking me out on a date?"

"Think of it as the second coming," he says and Jongin can almost hear the sly smirk through the phone

"You're unreal."

"I'm pretty sure that's what you were saying last night, too."

"I'm going to hang up," Jongin says and Kyungsoo laughs, sounding carefree.

"I'll swing by your place at seven then?"


"I'll be thinking of you."

He hangs up and immediately changes Kyungsoo's contact to his actual name, not needing anyone going through his phone to see the embarrassing message. He sets the phone down and notices the plate of eggs still sitting on the counter and he knows they must be cold by now, but he sticks them back in the microwave for a few seconds to reheat them. Slowly, he eats , deliberately trying not to think about what Kyungsoo might be up to.

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