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Warm is the word that instantly runs through Jongin's head as he wakes up. Relishing in the smoothing surroundings, it takes a while before he notices there is definitely someone curled up against his back. He blinks and lifts his head from the pillow to look over his shoulder. Kyungsoo is alseep, face smooth and relaxed. His hair going in every direction. Well this is not fucking endearing at all.

Jongin jabs his elbow in Kyungsoo's ribs causing him to wake with a jolt. His eyes wide and darting about as if trying to remember whose bed he is in.

Probably something he has to do a lot
I'm a horrible human being

"What are you doing?" Jongin asked, voice rough and deep from sleep. "I locked that door."

Kyungsoo exhales slowly as he finally calms down and flops down against the mattress. Mumbling, "I did say your doors are to easy to pick"

He shuts his eyes as though about to fall asleep once more, but Jongin nudges him again.

“It’s time for you to go.”

“It's a Sunday. Go back to sleep"

He reaches blindly across, managing to smack Jongin in the nose lightly (which Kyungsoo said sorry about 8 times) before he curls his palm over his mouth, effectively silencing him.

“Sleep time,” he whispers and Jongin refuses to succumb to licking his hand. If anything, Kyungsoo would probably like it anyway.

He bats Kyungsoo’s arm away and glances at the clock that tells him it’s only seven-thirty. He sighs and pushes Kyungsoo away, refusing to let him hog Jongin’s own bed, but Kyungsoo makes a disgruntled noise and nestles back against him.

“It’s cold over there,” he complains, one arm winding its way over Jongin’s hip and seeming to lock into place, because no matter how Jongin turns it remains firmly where it is, not moving an inch. “You’re a terrible bed partner.”

“You know how to fix that? Don’t climb into my bed.”

“Shh,” Kyungsoo mumbles at him, mouth so close to the back of Jongin’s neck that he feels the warm brush of his lips.

Jongin tells himself he won’t make a habit of it, but he falls silent, tugging the sheet back over his shoulder as he slides one hand under his pillow and shuts his eyes again. With their feet tangled together, Jongin gently falls back asleep to the sound of the beginnings of traffic on the street far below and Kyungsoo’s soft breathing.

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