Friends become Family

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Ohanzee bumps into me as he walks past me.
" what was that for?" I bite his shoulder as if I'm in heat.
" good, good!" Oh how he says.
" did Cloud teach you that?"
" why do you want to know?" I look at him like he is insane. " call taught me that move."
" well, okay" I glare at him like I have no interest in him. I have a secret nickname for him now. Solo, because, boy he is on his own.
" I am leaving right now!"
I heard Navarre say.
"great, get the job done."
copper says.
" okay, yes sir" Navarre turns and to his surprise he sees me. He rolls his eyes and walks on.
" wait! What is going on?" Divorce was hard and almost starts to cry.
" I have to find swallow, Boulder, and Whisper."
" why is that's so hard?"
" rain has already started without me." He looks away for a small second.
" we are a team... That isn't right."
"okay..." I look at him like there's no point in this conversation.
" I'll be back in a few weeks"
"ok...bye" Navarre gallops away without warning or saying goodbye to his first born.
" so..." ohanzee sneaks up behind me with Solana distracted and talking the encore.
" get away from me!" Are you on truck next to Copper.
" keep him away from me."
Copper glances at ohanzee.
" are you messing with my girl?"
" oh, um um, no sir" ohanzee close to the ground.
" then stay away from her, if you want Emir of your own someday then you need to treat her with your upmost respect. And respect her wishes."
Ohanzee looks up at Copper's face in terror.
"uh, uh ok." Angie takes off and go up towards cloud.
" I learned my lesson." Ohanzee says. That was the last time you would ever flirt around me.
It was my first celebration. 6 months of living, and my parents were not even there for it. Solana Smiles at me as I Smile Back. I have never talk to her ever. I should probably talk to her.
" hey comma why don't you ever talk to me like ever" Solana looks away. " because I thought you never liked me..."
" oh... Well I do." Solana Smiles. I disapprove Solano smile and approve it with my own. I looked into the mountains. The black-eyed Susan's made the mountain look more gray than ever. Then I thought of my mother's speckled bottom. it was the same color of Grey as the mountain the noises surrounding for reminding me of how much I miss my parents. The swallows chirpped in sync. Swallow wasn't of ours mom's name. I have never met her but she had a great coat color. She had Appaloosas coat but she was a Mustang. I always wondered why.
The white swirls hair blended with his black forelock. Ohanzee. The name of a great leader. Ohanzee the name of a handsome horse. But do I love him?

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