Chapter 21: Drunk car ride

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I'm still laughing when Riley enters her room with these two random people. Man, does she have a lot of friends.

"Care to intrrooddducceee meee to your twoooo friennndddss?" I ask, slurring.

"Gosh, how drunk is she, Riley?" The tall brunette lady asks.

"Immm as drunnnkkk as hellll!!!" I shout, stumbling over to them.

"I'm guessing pretty drunk." The sexy girl says.

"Why did you drink alcohol, Maya? It's illegal for people younger than 21 to drink alcohol."
The tall lady says, in a very official voice.

I try to remember why I drank the alcohol that I drank.

"Ummmm I think I drankkkk it, becauseeee I wannntttedddd to throw uppp somethinggg." I say, finally remembering why I drank in the first place.

The sexy girl gets an angry expression on her face, taking me by the arm again.

"Come on mom, we're taking Maya to the eating disorder clinic." She says, walking down the hall, dragging me with her.

I laugh, I don't have an eating disorder, what is she talking about?

"Are youuuuu trying to surprise meeee with iceeeecreammm?" I say, trying to think of a reason for why Riley's dragging me out the door.

"No Maya, sadly we have to take you to the only place where we know that you can get help." She responds, opening the door to a car, and climbing in.

I follow her wanting that ice cream that she's hiding from me. She closes the door to the car, and I watch as the tall brunette drives us away.

"Yayyyyyy wereeee going on a tripppp!" I say, excited.

The so-called "Riley" girl rolls her eyes at me, looking out the window.

"What, are youuuu playiinngg hard to getttt?" I say, smirking.

Her face turns red, blushing.

"Maya, my mom's here." She looks at me, while the tall brunette laughs.

"Oh, she's your mommmm?" I ask, realizing that the tall brunette might be her mom.

I grab Riley's shoulders, pulling me towards her. I kiss her, showing her that she doesn't have to play hard to get with me. She pulls away from me, slapping me again.

"Ow that hurt, why'd youuuu dooo thatttt?" I ask, surprised. I thought she was into me.

"I keep telling you this Maya, I'm your best friend, not your girlfriend." I roll my eyes, knowing that she secretly wants me.

Before I know it I'm daydreaming about Riley, and then I fall asleep.

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