Chapter 27: Rumors and Truths

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I'm piling my plate full of things that I don't even really want to eat right now. I've always been a picky eater, and I don't really love breakfast food.

Rebecca seems to have no trouble adding food to her plate, but I can see the nurses watching us like Hawks.

One of them pulls Rebecca to the side, and I watch as they take more than half of the food off her tray. I know she has a disorder, but a part of me wants to be like her since she seems to really love food a lot. I sigh, I wish I had that type of relationship with food.

A nurse with a hair net is following me, watching what food I put on my plate.

"Do you mind?" I ask.

I've had enough of this, there acting like we're aliens or something. And that's the last thing I want to be treated like, different.

"Oh sorry dear, I forgot your new." She says, with a weak smile.

"I'm one of the head nurses here, and I have to watch what all of you eat and don't eat." She says like she's doing the most normal thing in the world.

I just roll my eyes in annoyance, all of these nurses are practically stalking all of us.

She turns away, going over to a sickly thin girl and adding more food to her plate. I sigh in relief, thank goodness that's not me. But at the same time I can't help but envy that girl's skinniness, she has the body that I've always wanted.

I head back to the table and sit down next to Rebecca, as I watch her disgustingly shove bacon in her mouth. She's eating so fast that I call one of the nurses over, to see if she's ok.

"Rebecca stop that! Stop eating your food so fast." The nurse says, scolding her.

I look up at Rebecca, as she starts to nibble on her hash browns, guilty.

"I'm sorry," I say feeling guilty. "I was just worried about you. You were eating your food so fast, that I thought you were going to choke." I say, recounting the prior events.

"It's called binging. I was binge eating, again." She says glaring at me, but I can also see in her eyes that she wasn't proud of what she just did.

"Hey, at least I'm not throwing up my food after I eat." She says, smirking at me.

"How did you know that?" I ask, feeling my stomach tie itself in knots.

My heart is beating so hard in my chest, that I barely hear what she says next.

"Everyone knows." She says, laughing.

"Whenever we get a newbie in here, news spreads fast about what's wrong with them." She says smirking like I'm an idiot.

I glare at her. "There's nothing wrong with me," I say, scowling at her so she'll get the message.

She just shrugs, going back to munching on her bacon strips.

Gosh, this place is awful, I think as I slowly eat my scrambled eggs. I want to get through this though. No, I will get through this.

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