White Noise

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Welcome! Enjoy another read of mine, I strongly encourage my new readers to check out my other story, A Year and 365 Days! Anyways, to all my new and current readers, enjoy this!


"Liv, come here! We've got a couple of Guinness's' here for ya"

Olivia turns around, taking her eyes off the moving waves she walks towards Elliot, her hair out of her face, he stares at her, her jawline exposed from the frame of her hair, her skin, olive toned, her eyes, happy.

"Here" Elliot says tossing a Guinness towards her, Olivia catching it as if it were a football

She takes off the cap with the end of the collapsible table Elliot had brought, she looks towards Cragen and Munch arguing about the assassination of JFK, and then there's Fin who's asleep in the sun, a beer can in his hand.

It's the 4th of July and the one six was hosting a barbeque, it was getting late, almost hitting nine, but that was when the fireworks started. She wished James was here, next to her, but he was somewhere in the middle of the sky, 40,000 above, flying himself and some other three hundred people on a direct flight to Dublin, Ireland. She wondered if planes could see fireworks, if the pilot's who had to fly on the fourth ever got to enjoy the fireworks, or if they were dodging them, trying not to go down, leaving three hundred people, including themselves, without a family.

"Mommy!" A little girl says, runs towards Olivia and Elliot where Olivia picks her up in her arms, cradling her head.

The little girl is about four, with tumbling curly dark brown hair, in a stars and stripes jumpsuit. Elliot looks at Olivia, he knew for years she wanted a child, and she found someone that could make her happy. For years, she walked around with a weight on her shoulders, the weight of being alone, and as soon as she found someone, she changed. Elliot had noticed she took time to fix her hair, make up, maybe even a snazzy outfit at work. He loved Olivia, and all he wanted was her to be happy.

The fire works start, and her face reflects the blue and red hues. Elliot comes up from behind her, putting his arm around her shoulder, and Olivia leans her head onto his shoulder and she holds Julia in her arms.

"James isn't here, but I know he'd probably be tackling you to the ground for this prime real estate" Olivia scoffs, looking at his arm.

"Hey, no need, calm down, I'm just a fill in for today, aren't you and him going on a few years now?"

"Yeah, almost five."

"You're welcome" Elliot says in a cocky son of a bitch way

"Ah, for what exactly?" she says, pulling away from Elliot's shoulder, looking him in the face

"Him, I introduced you to James remember?"

Elliot was right, he did introduce her. She had been going to one of his St. Patrick's Day parties, where he had a load of drunk cops, particularly Irish, screaming across the room, trying to talk to each other. Olivia enjoyed the parties though, she was able to do whatever she wanted, free, away from work. A man that looked remotely similar to Elliot came up to her and Elliot with a handsome man, probably in his late 30's. He had black hair, green eyes, broad shoulders, and a structured face.

"Hai Olivio, meet Jackk-James"

His cousin was clearly drunk.

"Alright Declan, I get it, go off now, I'll talk with her."

Elliot smiles at James, and looks at Olivia.

"James, nice to see you, meet my partner, Olivia."

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