Cross country

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My palms are sweating. I'm not ready to face the massive Vicarage Vee! I've walked the course a hundred times, and I know if I want to keep my second place then I need to jump it. After dressage, my score was 32.5, which meant I was second place, behind Pippa funnel who had scored 32! It was cross country day, Elsie's strongest faze. I was ready. No I wasn't! The jumps are massive! As I jog down the the stables, I zip up my hoodie more as the weather is freezing. At the yard, everyone is getting ready. I tie Elsie up and start grooming her, then I start to tack her up. We are going second today. Mark Todd is going first. I place Elsie's red saddle pad on, and her red boots then I go back to the trailer. I pull on my red jodhpurs and black boots, then my red long sleeved shirt. I place my inflatable jacket on top, and my number. It has MITSUBISHI written along the top, with the number two under it, then PRIOR E written underneath. I grab my helmet with my new cover and dash out of the jockey door. Once at the stables, i put my hat on and lead Elsie out. I mount and trot down to the cross country warm up. I warm her up, then canter towards a little table, which she pops with ease. Then an Arrowhead. She's flying I've them. Then the loudspeaker announces that Mark Todd is just about to begin, so I've got time for a few more jumps. I pop a little water ditch, and approach a simple hedge, leading into a vicarage Vee like fence. Just as we land, Mark sets off and I'm being called into the arena. "Emily Prior and Willowbrook Allstar" I trot into the arena, and check my girth. I go into the start box, with my hand poised on my watch. The steward looks at my and says "get ready," then he starts counting down from 10. "..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1" I lean forward and as soon As the little pistol fires Elsie shoots forward and I click start on my watch. We're aproaching the first jump, a big but simple flowerbed. Elsie soars over it and we gallop to the Quarry. I go through the quickest route and gallop on to the next jump. The next jump is a simple oxer. Up and over! Next is the huntsmans close... And we're through! The lakes coming up now. Splash! We're in. Over the oxer and out. Now the wide Mitsubishi trucks... We're over! The vicarage Vee is coming up now. And we're over it!

Now the gallop to the final fence - the one under the large canopy. We're inside the time so far... Come on! We flat out gallop and soar over it. Gallop past the finish line and we've done it! We're still inside the time! I give Elsie a massive pat.

Back at the stables I give Elsie a wash. Final faze tomorrow. We could do it! We could win this! I'm still in second and Pippa isn't riding until later. I leave Elsie's stall, and jog down to the main arena. Pippa is just about to go, I can see her now getting ready. She is coming in the arena on her tall bay, she trots into the arena, and gets ready to go. "3..2..1..GO!" She gallops off and is over the first fence.

As she's approaching the second to last fence, I'm focused on the big TV. Her horse is tiring. I can see it. He goes to take off and clear the log, but he's too far and comes down too soon over the jump. I hold my breath, hoping he can somehow scrabble over it. It's impossible now,
His back legs stay clasped over the jump and he falls forward. Pippa jumps out of the way, and the horse Falls. It stands up straight away and seems to be ok. Pippa does too. The loudspeaker crackles and the man says "an unfortunate fall for miss Pippa funnel, and unfortunately Pippa is disqualified, putting our young Emily Prior into 1st.

I hope you enjoyed this part guys!

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