Who is going to tell her?

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Kota's POV
I am sitting next to Raven as he tells us that the baby didn't make it and sang doesn't know. We all call not it because we do not want to tell her that our daughter died. North says " Who's the fucker that hit her?!?!" Raven and Axle both look away and say " hit and run the police don't think it was an accident." At this we all lose it we've not heard one thing about sang asides from she's in surgery.  It's been eight hours and two of them she was by herself before help arrived. I say" mom can you tell her?" My mom looks extremely annoyed and says" No you are her husband and she rather have a love one tell her then a stranger. She'll think you'll hate her. So man up and tell her!" My brothers all snicker and I sigh then I go to axle and he shakes his head along with Raven and Uncle. We decide we all will tell her when or if she ask. Finally around 9:30 Phil comes out and says " The surgery took longer then expected but she is okay for now. She is on life support to help her breathing and to make her brain swelling go down. She had multiple severe injuries that it took six hours to repair everything. I'm sorry to tell you but the baby didn't make it. Now would Sean and Uncle please follow me." I sigh in relief and pat Nate on the back.
Sean's POV
I walk back preparing Uncle and myself for what we're about to see. I walk in and hold in my gasp. She has a bruises and gashes all over her face along with a neck brace, a casted arm and leg. I check her charts to see she had a lot of internal bleeding. I sit down next to her stroking her hair out of her face. I say" Pookie if you can hear me then I need you to wake up. We need you to get better. We're already falling apart without you. I love you so much please wake up." I am silently sobbing after twenty minutes Kota and Erica come in. I kiss her head and leave.
Erica's POV
I walk into her room just in time to see my son crumble into a sobbing mess. I hold him while he sobs into my chest. I know this is hard for all of them and all Jim and I can do is hold them. I quietly talk to sang about how she needs to stay for us.
I squeeze her hand and start looking at her charts to see if anything is there that they missed.

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