Bringing Her Home

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Owen's POV
It's been five weeks since the accident and we are finally bringing her home. She is sitting on Luke's lap right now. We got ride of all the baby things once we found out. I made her favorite for lunch. Chocolate chip pancakes which North wasn't happy about but as soon as he saw that smile he shut his mouth. We haven't seen her smile as much since she found out. She eats all of it and then Sean hands her some pain medication. Once she takes it she immediately is out like a light. I pick her up and bring her to Victors room. She snuggles into me and I smirk. Victor lays down and I gently lay her next to him. I tuck her in and go back to the living room.
Victors POV
I am laying next to princess while she sleeps. I nestle my head into her shoulder then close my eyes getting some much needed sleep.
Sang's POV
Victor, silas, North and I were driving home from the dinner. We are half way there when I feel us rolling. I scream as we come to a stop. I see North, Silas awake so I ask if they are okay. When they don't answer I check for a pulse and there's nothing. I check Victor and he says" It's your fault we're dead even the death of our baby. I then see water and start coughing. I deserve to die. I wake with a gasp trying to catch my breath. I look around to see I'm next to Victor. I shake him awake and I am pretty sure I look like a blubbering mess. He jumps up and say's " What's wrong princess?" I sob into his chest not being able to stop crying. I mutter nightmare and he holds me. He whispers" Do you want to tell me or should I call North?" I shake my head and hold on to him not wanting to talk about it.
Victors POV
I am shaken awake by a hysterical princess. I hold her while she cries about her nightmare. I text North and let him know that she had a nightmare. He immediately comes up and comes over to where we are rubbing her back. We finally have her to the point where we can understand her. I let North go get Silas before she tells us what happened in her dream.
Norths POV
I walk in to see a extremely upset sang baby. I go over and rub her back trying to smooth her. We finally get her to the point where she can talk but she keeps apologize for nothing and then she keeps saying " I didn't mean to super man please forgive me." Then she goes on about me and Vic. I bring Silas up and then she tells us about the dream which breaks my heart. She is in tears again when she finishes the story. She sobbing into my chest at this point and all we can do is rock her back and forth.
Silas's POV
Poor Aggele she is still beating herself up over this whole thing. We have sang laying in between North and myself with her side ways to Vic. She was given something to eat and then took her pain medication because it's 2 am. She has an arm around North and me and her legs around Vic. We all kiss her good night and go back to bed

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