Three weeks later

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Luke's POV
It's been three weeks since the accident and she still hasn't woke up yet. We are all slowly falling apart. I am silently talking to her about her needing to wake up. I see her eyes flutter open and I press the nurses button. They come in with a smile and page Dr. Robert. He comes in and smiles at her telling her that he is going to take the tubes out now. I text the others to get their ass here now. I keep getting looks at me. They are looks of confusion and fear. I hold her hand trying to smooth her. I whisper sweet nothings that make her blush. Even after all these years we can still make her blush like crazy. I say" the others will be here soon cupcake." She blinks and then yawns like a puppy waking from its nap. The others run in and start kissing and hugging her.
Nathan's POV
I whisper " Peanut do you remember what happen?" She blinks once for yes and I sigh in relief. She reaches for the pen and paper and say" baby?" We all look at each other and Owen crunches down and whispers" I'm so so sorry darling but she didn't make it." She starts sobbing. We can't hold her or anything else because they only want her in an up right position. I wipe her tears telling her it's not her fault and we're not mad or angry with her. I see the guilt clear in her eyes and immediately try and get that look out of her eyes. North changes the subject and we all couldn't have been happier about it. She starts questioning us about how we're doing and everything else. She always does this so she can get the attention away from her. I shake my head and smirk at her.
Silas's POV
I hate seeing Aggele like this. You can just see the guilt in her eyes. My brothers went home to get a change of clothes while I stay with her. She is sound asleep. I kiss her head thanking my lucky star that she is still with us.
Gabriel's POV
I walk in to see trouble staring at me. I look to see it's 2 AM and see everyone else asleep. I say" trouble are you in pain?" She blinks once and then writes " I'm sorry." I see tears streaming down her face and know it's killing her. I wipe her tears away trying to smooth her. She writes " I killed her." That completely breaks my heart. I tell her that's not true and say" you were only getting something for the baby. It's not your fault it wasn't an accident it was on purpose." I know we weren't telling her this but it needed to be said because I hate how guilty she feels. She writes" if that's true then why do I feel like I failed you guys and the baby." I tell her it's because your too good of a person not to feel responsible for this but you aren't responsible for this and will never be. I kiss her head while she cries knowing she needed this.

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