Broken peices

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Sav POV:
I tell them how I overheard Laurence and Garroth talking. So I told cadenza to ask Lucinda and I asked Jeffery. I told them how it was supposed to happen. Then everything went black

Lar POV:
Savy was exsplaining to us about what happened and just as she was about to end what she was saying then she fell to the ground.

I quickly grab her and Abby calls 911. When they arrive they take her in and I follow them with my car. Abby and aphmau ride with me and Garroth,Sky and Ross are driving together.

Max wanted to go but Ross wouldn't let him cause he was sick. When we get there a nurse makes us wait in the waiting room. I'm so scared for Savanna. After about 10min of waiting they let me aphmau and Abby come in.

We saw Savanna her face pale. She looked miserable I needed to know what happened.

"Doc do you know what happened" I ask the doctor

"Well you see she seemed to have a certain type of poison in her that makes her forget certain things. Meaning someone gave this to her through a food or drink. The only person who saw her yesterday was.....JEFFERY

"Do you know what she forgot" Abby asks, I just stare angerly at the ground

"We won't know until she wakes up she could have just forgotten what food she liked or she could've forgotten certain people In her life" the doctor reply, Jeffery wants her to forget me

"IM GONNA-" I start but Abby stops me

"We all know who did this and we all want you to do what your about to do but Savanna needs you right now so let's wait until she wakes up" Abby says, the doctor look confused

"You guys know who did this" he asks,

"Yea" I say, the doctor start freaking out and getting nurses

"The person had been doing this to this very girl her whole life and everytime she forgets someone she loved now that you guys found the culprit it will stop" he says, me Abby and aphmau look at eachother

"Well you see uh the person is kinda like related to her and her mom is kinda sorta Irene" Abby says, the doctor stares at us like we're crazy I don't blame him I would think we were crazy to

"Well I'm gonna go run some tests on Savanna" he says then runs out

I slowly Unclenched my fists. Then look at Savanna. Please please please say she remembers me. Then Abby takes me by the arm and pulls me out of the room.

"If she forgets you I will make sure she remembers you" she says, did She know what I was thinking

"Yes I do know what your thinking for some odd reason I can now read people's minds but that's beside the point" she says, how can she even fricken read my mind

"Her mind is saying so many thing I can't really tell what they are but i swear to you I heard her say something about you" she finishes, that means she remembers me kinda maybe

"But then again don't get your hopes up because the stuff people could be thinking about now could just as easily be forgotten as soon as she wakes up" she says, and now my hopes are dying away one by one

I then see Garroth,Sky and Ross coming. I tell them about what the doctor told us and how she might not remember me. When I said that Sky kinda smirked. He's gonna take her from me.

"Hey Ross Abby is in the room" I say, "so is aphamu Garroth" they both head into the room.

"Don't you dare think aphmau is going to fall for you if she forgets me" I say,he smirks

"I don't think I know because she will always remember me of the boy who was her friend since forever and she'll remember you as that one boy who was in my hospital room" he says, I didn't know what cameover me but I started crying.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean any of that I know you love her and she deserves you not me" he says, I kinda smiled then went in the room

Savanna moved a little bit then her eyes opened the first person she saw was me.

"Savanna your okay" I say, tears forming in my eyes

"W-who are you"

Omg cliffhanger, sorry this one was a really short chapter only 768 words Byeee

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