Chapter 11 - Stubborn..!

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- Erens P.o.V -

Gently escaping his lap,
Sitting on the couch in front.


I gulped, he needs to leave.
What I did is only to test what he
Thinks with that kiss.. All i taste is lust!
I dot wan that..!

I glanced up in his eyes, filled with a bit I disappointment- Lust.

  "Get out!! Now!"

I yelled, standing up as I pointed towards the door. Having armin push through the door with Hanji being dragged out.

Glancing back at Levi, slowly getting up. His expression dull and expressionless, quickly grabbing Hanji and pulling her out.

  "No, Eren! Don't be this way..!"

I kept my look the other way, hearing a slam. Quietness filling the air. Letting myself sink into the couch below me,

  "Eren.. Are you ok..?"

I nodded, shortly getting up and pushing the swinging door to the kitchen. Smelling the scent of food- pasta!

I smiled, "you always know my favorite!" I giggled, hearing armin giggle from beside me now.

I turned and sat at the island, letting the smells invade my nostrils.

He chuckled, placing the boiling pot at the side of the sink. Putting the drainer in the empty sink, seeing him pour the spaghetti in the drainer. Soon having him fill the plates with spaghetti and sauce along with meat balls.

Quickly digging him, twirling the spaghetti strands around my fork. Picking a peace of meat ball, savoring the taste.


- Erens P.o.V -

A new job? What type of job? Stripper..? I've always thought of a stripper.. I did take dance.. It could be a benefit! Maybe I should ask armin his opinion..

Then theirs Levi.. Should I simply forget him..? How should I go about this? All he sees in me is sex appeal! Nothing more.. Nothing more.. 'Like me,' my ass. I won't give up- but i make him think I have interest in him..


- Levis P.o.V -

I honestly do love him. What did I do wrong? Did I go to quick? Did- what made him kick me out, left with cold balls- kicked out- and seeing regret in his eyes.

  "Hanji, what are you doing?"

She say giggling to herself,
Typing away on her phone. With
Her back facing me, and the sinister
Gleam in her glasses.

Quickly siting up from her seat,
Turning towards me. Laughing- cackling as she hit her knee.

  "Mind telling me what you just did that you wish to cover up?"

She suddenly stopped, standing straight with her phone in her hand.
Shrugging as she skipped on out.

What a dumb bitch..

I sighed, suddenly thinking of the
Armin kid. Why did he ask for Erwin?

I darted my eyes up, seeing the door open. Well speak of the devil. Seeing Erwin come in, no lust in his eyes, just his justified face and his gigantic eyebrows.

  "What do you want?"

I cocked my eyebrow, as he gently placing his hands behind his back.

  "Erens becoming a stripper."

My eyes widened in shock, what?
Sitting forward. My brows furrowing
Much more then they already were.
What is this brat up to?

Sure the brat as a nice ass, he's innocent to even be one! His feelings
Would be crushed..

Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Why does
Erwin come here and tell me and not
Hanji? Or why did eren tell me himself?

  "What are you up to? Who told you?"

I questioned, cocking an eyebrow. Waiting for a pity excuse.

  "I'm up to nothing levi, and Hanji did."

I smirked, Hanji wouldn't telling you shit. After what you did to me over the years. It's almost impossible to believe.

  "Now if you'll exc-"

  "Nope. Armin told you didn't he?"

He stopped abruptly, bingo.


Hey~! I hope you liked it! Cliff hangers--! ;D thank you for at least 13 views in my chapters just not on the previous chapters! Anyway, thank you!


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