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Olivia wakes up and looks over at the clock. It's half 4 in the morning and she doesn't know where she is. But she then realised that she is still at Rafael's house.
She doesn't want to be rude and just help herself, but she hasn't had a drink in hours.
She gets up and heads for the kitchen. She decides that she should have water. She grabs a glass from the cupboard and fills it with water from the tap.
The ice cold liquid helps with her urge to drink.
She doesn't realise that Rafael had just joined her in the kitchen.
"You okay liv?" He asks
"My god! Rafael you scared me!" She replies
"Sorry. Why are you up so early?" He asks
"Couldn't sleep. I could ask you the same thing"
"I always get up at this time"
"I don't know, anyway, come sit" he says gesturing for her to sit at the breakfast bar.
"Why couldn't you sleep. Do you have something on your mind?" He asks
"You are such a bad liar liv"
"No I'm not!" She says with a high pitched tone
"Sure, but Liv, you can tell me anything you know. If anything is bothering you, if anything is on your mind. It's best to get it off your chest, instead of having to deal with it all by yourself" he says
Olivia can't speak words, she just breaks down in tears.
"Hey, hey Olivia. What's wrong, please tell me" he says as he pulls her into his embrace.
"My.. My apartment. I fell behind on the rent, because, I Erm, I started drinking again. I forget to pay my bills and when the letters came through, I was so busy I forgot about them too. L..last night they kicked me out" she cries
"Oh my gosh, liv you are staying with me" he says
"No, I can't do that" she says wiping her tears
"Where are you gonna go then liv huh? You can't sleep in your car!"
"I did last night"
"Liv why didn't you tell me. I would have helped you. You can always come to me if you have a problem. Always. I just wanna help. Please, stay here"

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